Tweets to W. Kamau Bell

W. Kamau Bell's avatar
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W. Kamau Bell
Not home enough
Yes, I know my shoe is untied.
Tweets to this user:
RMKR's avatar
From @kidsistah
@wkamaubell Happy Meals for everyone!!!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@kidsistah: @wkamaubell vlogs against braindrain impacting *Milwaukee*, even as he & CNN strongly supporting braindraining developing countries. See how few doctors there are in W. Africa. Kamau & CNN supporting bringing as many as possible here, greatly harming W. Africa.
W. Kamau Bell's avatar
From @wkamaubell
Because when you are having an event featuring some of the world's most powerful leaders, you should do everything…
Brad Simpson's avatar
From @bradleyrsimpson
@wkamaubell Trump’s press sect actually said that other sites were “so high-altitude that the planners thought they…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@bradleyrsimpson: on his vlog, @wkamaubell agitates against braindrain of... Milwaukee. He & CNN constantly agitate for mass immigration from developing nations, greatly harming them (braindrain). (NB: even the NYT has mentioned the negative impacts of braindraining 3rd world)
W. Kamau Bell's avatar
From @wkamaubell
Look, the rules have always been the same. White people are allowed say cracker, & Black people aren't allowed to get bank loans.
Justin Blevans's avatar
From @JustinBlevans
@wkamaubell Haha in this age of quippy little made for Twitter jokes it's rare I see it coming and laugh out loud. Goddamn dude
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
All bank ofcrs outside backwoods AL would rush to give Kamau a loan lest black leaders go after them. They have much, much more power than whites. MT @JustinBlevans [that's LOL] MT @wkamaubell White people are allowed say cracker, & Black people aren't allowed to get bank loans
Full Boar Socialism's avatar
From @JesseLaGreca
RT @wkamaubell: What are you talking about? You're on @CNN so much you're gonna have to file taxes there & claim it as a residence. https:/…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JesseLaGreca: you never answered my 2012 question, try again: Why did Cesar Chavez *strongly* oppose illegal #immigration?