Lindsey Graham working with Chuck Schumer on amnesty; rounding up other Republicans
From this:
Senate Democrats have found a Republican in Sen. Lindsey Graham to help them push for passage of a comprehensive immigration overhaul this year.
But the lag in getting prominent support from a Republican -- more than two months after Democrats first announced their push -- shows how complicated prospects for passage could be this year, as immigration remains a wedge inside an increasingly divided GOP.
Democrats and Republicans say Mr. Graham of South Carolina is working behind the scenes with Sen. Charles Schumer (D., N.Y.) to gain support from other GOP members. Mr. Schumer is quarterbacking this year's campaign for an overhaul.
One complicating factor this time around is the recent ascendancy of the libertarian/strong fiscal conservative wing of the rightwing, exemplified by the tea parties and groups like FreedomWorks. Some of those in that wing will no doubt end up supporting amnesty; that might cause a schism, or those who are basically paid off by corrupt businesses may end up getting their way. It's also worth noting that the leaders of the supposed opposition to Obama are incredibly incompetent. All of that makes fighting against amnesty more difficult than it was before.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sun, 08/09/2009 - 18:56
HS 19001 2009-08-09T20:56:52-05:00
All of the evil monkeys will get into line with our enemies the question you must ask, "is do you also want to get in line with your own Extermination". we all know the USA Has ended but what you will face in the coming days of mass Extermination of your right's as a human being and civil rights and human rights why would you just stand around and do nothing but yell at the moon? 98 percent of jew's did nothing and see what happen to the follish jews from 1933 to 1945 but this time no U.S.Army will save you and if you think some god will come to help you just put a gun to your head and save the monkey people of the world the gas chamber time, have a nice day! both are pigs, Lindsey Graham and chuck schumer are both evil doers who hate our freedoms and need us to disappear and both and going to hell.
eh (not verified)
Sun, 08/09/2009 - 19:50
HS 19002 2009-08-09T21:50:23-05:00
Official faggot of the US Senate -- Lindsey Graham.
petty bourgeois (not verified)
Sun, 08/09/2009 - 20:49
HS 19003 2009-08-09T22:49:11-05:00
I agree. I can imagine him with young boys. That treasonous son of a bitch was re-elected. His constituency should be ashamed of themselves, fucking rednecks.
Leave it to Beaner (not verified)
Mon, 08/10/2009 - 22:50
HS 19004 2009-08-11T00:50:50-05:00
Thats right.....those aholes in So. Carolina reelected that been-a-dick arnold. They should be ashamed of themselves. Didnt he change his tune before the vote? Acting like he was now looking out for Americans? Fucking Liar.
Mary (not verified)
Tue, 08/11/2009 - 01:14
HS 19005 2009-08-11T03:14:00-05:0
No way in hell they will pass this. If they think the mob is angry now just try to pass Amnesty. That's when the real trouble will start. Obama knows it-that's why he said it will have to wait til next year. By then the voices calling for his expulsion will rise higher than they ever did for Jorge Bush.....Americans are so mad they don't care what happens. Tie for a full scale revolution!
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 08/11/2009 - 03:05
HS 19006 2009-08-11T05:05:17-05:00
Mary the political pigs want Americans to stand up and fight back that is why this evil monkey obama will get this evil amnesty into law. If the people start to act like Americans the shit loving government will order mass eliminate on its so called people. Its all about foreign political control of us.listen to Savage Nation and CBS story about mass camps now built and already open for business the only thing missing is the swastika flying over the camps.