Arlen Specter: "wise Latina" was commendable, "nothing wrong with a little ethnic pride"

Earlier today, Arlen Specter said referring to the infamous comments from Sonia Sotomayor:

"I didn't find fault with the 'wise Latina' comment, I find it commendable... There's nothing wrong with a little ethnic pride."

Of course, what she said wasn't so much "ethnic pride" as chauvinism or worse. Some forms of ethnic pride are certainly inoffensive. Others aren't, such as being a board member of a far-left racial power group (the PRLDEF) and being a member of another (the National Council of La Raza).


That worm Specter is just pandering to his new constituency, the democrats. Maybe Specter should understand that when ethnic pride is expressed at the expense of another ethnic or racial group it's known as bigotry. What a jerk!

keep going government soon you will make 100 million enemies inside the USA.

How does a great country wind up with an idiot like this for so long in congress? Never mind , I know the answer...we are SCREWED!