Obama's "birth hospital" covers up letter he sent (Kapiolani, Neil Abercrombie)
The Obama citizenship issue just gets weirder and weirder. As previously discussed, Snopes, Wikipedia, and Obama himself have all given differing accounts of which hospital he was born in. The Kapiolani Medical Center reprinted on their site a letter from Barack Obama in which he stated he was born there but has now taken the letter off their site.
Well, almost. The letter is still there in the HTML code of the page, it's just "commented out". I.e., it's been modified in such a way that browsers won't show it. The details on all this are here and here, and please Digg the last link here.
And, the two images used in the letter are still on their server; in case those go missing I've saved them off here, here, and here.
Note also that Rep. Neil Abercrombie read the letter from Obama at a hospital event, and video of that is attached. I wouldn't make too much of the differences between what he said and what the letter said, and I also wouldn't make too much of the fact that the letter was shown in Kapi'olani's web page as HTML; it could have come in as an email and they converted it or similar.
The issue here is that if he has nothing to hide about this issue, why do people have to keep lying and covering up for him?
UPDATE: Now, Kapiolani - after having been informed by WND that if the letter is a fake they could be charged with a crime - has finally confirmed that the letter is real and has sent WND a picture of the original (link). In the picture, the date is darker than the body of the letter and it appears not to have the same perspective. The explanation for that isn't known.
eh (not verified)
Sun, 07/12/2009 - 04:41
HS 18661 e10k@hotmail.com 2009-07-12T06:41:41-05:00
It's interesting, I'll say that much.
Leave it to Beaner (not verified)
Sun, 07/12/2009 - 14:25
HS 18662 2009-07-12T16:25:43-05:00
I think the monkey master himself [Fred] is behind this.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Mon, 07/13/2009 - 02:50
HS 18663 evildoers5@live.com 2009-07-13T04:50:11-05:00
Its not weired its normal inside a nut house like the former USA, Soon people will understand why we fell as a country and a world power.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Mon, 07/13/2009 - 02:58
HS 18664 evildoers5@live.com 2009-07-13T04:58:34-05:00
yes I am, And yes we can! And i am The monkey master! and you will soon be my little people! in fact obama is me! 20 motherships have landed and art bell is leading us to total victory with 4 billion monkeys behind us! a mothership is taking off each hour for a new world, buy your tickets now at monkey@people.com.
Bobwurst (not verified)
Mon, 07/13/2009 - 17:51
HS 18665 rmorganhazard@gmail.com 2009-07-13T19:51:42-05:00
Why should PRESIDENT Obama (Boy, doesn't that sound grand?) waste his time answering questions from you tinfoil hat wearing wingnuts? His birthplace has been proven again and again, but you idiots just won't shut up. Face it you lost the election, just like you lost the civil war. GET OVER IT!
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 07/14/2009 - 03:18
HS 18666 evildoers5@live.com 2009-07-14T05:18:35-05:00
Bodwurst, we the people lost this country not the so called election and ask why obama stopped the so called justice dept from looking into the attacks by blacks on whites at the voting polls? the falsehood of a freely elected president or any political leader is funny to me, most have been picked by political race people long before that rats takes so clled office. and all our enemies of freedom.
More_info (not verified)
Tue, 07/14/2009 - 18:58
HS 18667 Leef_me@yahoo.com 2009-07-14T20:58:47-05:00
Bodwurst, Democrats (who created the KKK) were on the losing side of the civil war. "His birthplace has been proven again and again ..." It has been 'proven' repeatedly because it keeps changing. Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children used a letter purported from Obama for 6 months for fund-rasing and then takes down the letter from their website, won't confirm he was born there and won't acknowledge there ever was a letter. UPI news article, stating "Queen's Hospital" as his birthplace was corrected after 6 months to reflect the hosipital's name, without footnote, -then later- a footnote is added.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sun, 07/19/2009 - 16:41
HS 18668 dawes57@cox.net 2009-07-19T18:41:44-05:00
obama is our enemy march on washington to free that place from total evil.