Louis Caldera ordered Air Force One fly-by that terrified New Yorkers

Earlier today one of the two Air Force One 747s together with F-16s did a fly-by over New York City, terrorizing office workers who thought it might be another 9/11 attack. Instead, it was an unspecified training mission described by others as a "photo op" SEE THE UPDATE. And, it was approved by White House Military Office Director Louis Caldera, who's now apologized, saying (link):

"Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision... While federal authorities took the proper steps to notify state and local authorities in New York and New Jersey, its clear that the mission created confusion and disruption. I apologize and take responsibility for any distress that flight caused."

UPDATE: I originally thought this was an anti-terrorism training mission that had simply been mischaracterized as a "photo op". Now it turns out that it was just a photo op. Per this:

An administration official says a presidential Boeing 747 and a fighter jet flew low near ground zero in New York City Monday because the White House Military Office wanted to update its file photo of the president's plane near the Statue of Liberty... This official said the White House Military Office told the Federal Aviation Administration that it periodically updates file photos of Air Force One near national landmarks, like the statute in New York harbor and the Grand Canyon.

It's time for Caldera to resign.

UPDATE 2: Video of office workers scattering added, and a good close up is here. This was a really, really bad idea.

UPDATE 3: See this, which is entitled 'FAA Memo: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic/Threatened Federal Sanctions Against NYPD, Secret Service, FBI & Mayor's Office If Secret Ever Got Out/Furious Obama Apologizes: "It Will Never Happen Again"'. At first I thought Obama might not have known about it, but perhaps his posturing is a clue that he did. And, you don't have to be Alex Jones to speculate that there's a very slight possibility that this might have been intentional as a way of distracting people or keeping them scared.


No it was a Test, soon our government will need some attack on the people for race and political reasons. it is a schlong in the face of the American people by our racists government who needs 20 million foreign people here for mass control. the next 911 will be ordered by obama God only knows where. pakistan will fall soon and WMD( 100 nukes inside pakistan ) Will be ordered up by are real boss's and the dream of dead America will become real, anyone with common sense can see the end game coming and obama and his owners need it soon. Think like Americans and not some monkeys in a bush.

Scare Force One - The photo op flight conducted by the White House over NYC on Monday morning has been described as a "mistake". Not only did it scare the pants off the NYC residents and workers... it now has an estimated cost of $328,835. Seems to me a lesson in Photoshop would have been much cheaper. http://pfx.me/Ka