No blood for Whitey's racist genocidal war of empire and oil profits!

The's front page currently has a section entitled "PEACE: as bullets fly what do we mean?":

OK, Peace Movement! Lots of folks protesting before the war started. People out protesting right now! Before, "No War" simply meant "don't fire the gun, George." What does "No war" mean now? What do we mean when we call for Peace now that Iraqis and Americans are dying?...

What about after the war? What do we want to see happen in the Middle East region if -as is likely- there is "regime change" in Iraq? Are there ways the antiwar movement can expand to deal with a post-Iraq scenario?

In the spirit of healthy self-criticism, here are some recent "left" critiques of the anti-war movement...
--LA Weekly opinion piece that accepts the inevitability of the war, yet suggests ways of stopping the empire's expansion...

See the page for more links. Some of these proposals actually make a bit of sense and might help the "peace" protesters gain a bit more traction than they currently have.

However, most of the commentators end up calling the messengers names (although, out of a sense of propriety, the H-word isn't used):

What's with all of the white liberal backstepping on the IMC these days? ...When did the white liberal CIA operatives infiltrate the site? Did knowledge of the US military's atrocities in killing babies (bombing civilian hospitals, starved infantry men arbitrairily shooting
women, your tax dollars funding satan's army) scare your little white privileged minds and now you cower and lose your principles...

The white liberal doctrine of non-violence and interventionalism keeps us counterproductive... ...Even white communities...

F#$k middle america. If they ain't listening to us, why to we have to listen to them... The rest of the world is still protesting; why do you shills gotta ack like you're the only ones capable of making change. you white privilege has got the best of you... If I gotta see another cynical, patronizing white liberal on the IMC, I'm starting my own site.

Cooper is a shill, a weasel, a racist...

No, I'm pretty sure these aren't COINTELPRO.



My theory is they've been hired by Karl Rove. Always thinking ahead.

I linked to you on my blogroll. Maybe that will bring your hits up above 46.

Kamil B. Zogby