"Border Patrol Releases Immigrants at [Harlingen, TX] Bus Station"

From a TV report:

Action 4 News undercover cameras catch Border Patrol agents dropping off illegal immigrants at a local bus station by the van load...

[...some of those dropped off are from] special interest countries - countries like Brazil and Argentina...

[...those dropped off at the station get money wired to them via Western Union so they can get on their way...]

...Several U.S. Border Patrol agents who don't want to be identified tell Action 4 News they want people to know they're being told to drop off the immigrants at the bus station...

..."The immigration police gave me the information fast so I could quickly get my permission to stay in the U.S.," said [illegal alien Fernando] Tello-Huila.

Fernando's talking about his walking papers. Border agents say federal jails are so overcrowded, illegal immigrants without a criminal background may be released.

They're given a future court date to appear before an immigration judge and if they promise to appear, they're set free.

Fernando's court date is March 30 in Houston.

"I'm thankful for the services and information the agents provide to help me travel freely through out the United States..."

[...Rep. Solomon Ortiz (D-TX) is going to show the videotape to Congress...]


"(Wait lemme guess: (1) lock 'em up for perpetuity at $80-200 a day or (2) send 'em back immediately with no due process - your lack of practical solutions is why you restrictionist radicals aren't being listened to)."

You left out the third and fourth legs of the open borders false dilemma: do nothing, or Amnesty.

The solution is self-deportation. Make life inconvenient for illegals while instituting a guest worker program that requires application from nation of origin. Of course, that would require that the GOP take an interest in the rule of law rather than just pretending, but self-deportation is the least painful, least expensive approach, and it doesn't reward illegals, which is a proven failure.

I should have added: let the Mexican lawyers have a little business. Just consider it part of the price of globalization.

Mr immigration lawyer,
Yes, I like your option numero dos:send the OTM's back across the border to apply for asylum there. After all, Mexico is our free, democratic partner, is it not?

Thank god you're here to explain it all, Dawes. I never would have known that ICE driving aliens to Greyhound is a slippery slope that will lead me to be a "third class non civilan" in an Atzlan regime worse than Iraq under Saddam. Keep it up!

This post is accurate, I've had several clients from Harlingen driven to the bus station. An NYT article today (MSM!!!) reported a Congressional Commission found that some places (mostly in Texas) release the overwhelming majority of detainees, whle release is virtually impossible to get elsewhere.

The problem is that the only other alternative is to just release the clients out the front door of the detention center, which many places do, but causes problems for the facilities, which prohibit people from standing around outside (plus they're always in the middle of nowhere and there are rarely cabs).

Since yaal are so viscerally opposed to the US government performing any act that aids an illegal immigrant in any way, perhaps yaal can think of a solution (Wait lemme guess: (1) lock 'em up for perpetuity at $80-200 a day or (2) send 'em back immediately with no due process - your lack of practical solutions is why you restrictionist radicals aren't being listened to).

Bush and fox made a deal and this will become mexico by de facto; it must be what bush calls reform, and if you think saddam was bad just wait until you become a third class non civilan of atzlan. stand up or go down on our political leaders of total evil.

Bush and fox made a deal and this will become mexico by de facto; it must be what bush calls reform, and if you think saddam was bad just wait until you become a third class non civilan of atzlan. stand up or go down on our political leaders of total evil.