Dreier confronted; L.A. Times serious and stupid

Rep. David Dreier (D-CA) was interviewed by KABC's Doug McIntyre and the transcript is here. Topics discussed include Political Human Sacrifice, Dreier's record on immigration matters, and his support for Bush's guest worker plan. Surprisingly, in the interview he calls that plan a "bracero" program, something that I've noted with some surprise before. I wonder, will Bush's plan include delousing pens as did the bracero program?

That link provides the link to this interesting L.A. Times guest editorial from July 18, 1999 that describes the bracero program: "Why Revive an Inhumane Program?"

That guest editorial represents the serious, adult side of the L.A. Times. Meanwhile, on the stupid and childish side, comes "John and Ken Who?" The same author wrote the racist L.A. Times screed "Pouty White People". The last article is far more objectionable than the first, which is just childish mocking.

His latest editorial attempts to claim that Political Human Sacrifice had little effect. While Dreier still has a job, I tend to think that his competitors might now be smelling a little bit of blood in the water. Here are the election results. Either the Libertarians are growing in popularity, or Dreier is losing but some Republicans just aren't willing to go as far as voting for a Democrat.

Contact Readers.Rep@latimes.com with your thoughts on both editorials.


I still maintain that Political Human Sacrifice was not a "huge success" as John and Ken claim. No matter how much progress was made, Dreier is in office for another two years, and Baca is in office for another two years. In essence, Political Human Sacrifice is as effective as David Dreier's 15 (and counting) meetings with the Mexican government on the David March case - everyone feels good, but nothing gets done.

I happened to see the L.A. Times editorial on Sunday afternoon; for those who haven't read it, an accurate summation is "Nyah nyah nyah nyah." What a bastion of journalism.