S.744 Immigration bill - Sec. 2501: DEFINITIONS
Posted Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 4:56 pm
- In this subtitle:
- (1) CHIEF- The term `Chief' means the Chief of the Office.
- (2) FOUNDATION- The term `Foundation' means the United States Citizenship Foundation established pursuant to section 2531.
- (3) IEACA GRANTS- The term `IEACA grants' means Initial
Entry, Adjustment, and Citizenship Assistance grants authorized under
section 2537.
- (4) IMMIGRANT INTEGRATION- The term `immigrant integration' means the process by which immigrants--
- (A) join the mainstream of civic life by engaging
and sharing ownership in their local community, the United States, and
the principles of the Constitution;
- (B) attain financial self-sufficiency and upward economic mobility for themselves and their family members; and
- (C) acquire English language skills and related cultural knowledge necessary to effectively participate in their community.
- (5) LINGUISTIC INTEGRATION- The term `linguistic
integration' means the acquisition, by limited English proficient
individuals, of English language skills and related cultural knowledge
necessary to meaningfully and effectively fulfill their roles as
community members, family members, and workers.
- (6) OFFICE- The term `Office' means the Office of
Citizenship and New Americans established in U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services under section 2511.
- (7) RECEIVING COMMUNITIES- The term `receiving
communities' means the long-term residents of the communities in which
immigrants settle.
- (8) TASK FORCE- The term `Task Force' means the Task Force on New Americans established pursuant to section 2521.
- (9) USCF COUNCIL- The term `USCF Council' means the Council of Directors of the Foundation.
Subchapter A--Office of Citizenship and New Americans