Barack Obama praises **Enrique Morones**
Posted Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 8:37 am
Even I am shocked by how far Barack Obama is willing to take Hispandering and support for illegal activity. Before reading the script for his speech to the National Council of La Raza convention (the one where he accused his own government of terrorizing people), he praised open borders loon Enrique Morones (link):
Obama, at the podium, had just thanked two top NCLR officials before his speech when he thanked Morones of Border Angels, a group that stocks desert water stations and lobbies intensely for immigrant rights, often with a theatrical flair and a blunt style that has drawn the ire of anti-illegal immigration activists.In 2003-2005, Morones was a member of the Institute for Mexicans Abroad, an advisory council to the Mexican government. They joined him on one of his marches. Other very questionable people were involved in that march, including the Mexican government-linked Peter Schey, Isabel Garcia, and a Mexican government official. The march was held on the day that the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed. And, in February 2007 he read an email threatening diners with tainted food at a restaurant where a Minuteman meeting was to be held; he recommended that "our community" not eat there that week. Also, of course, he's affiliated with the San Diego branch of the Democratic Party.
Morones said that prior to the speech he, several elected officials and others had attended a meeting with Obama and his campaign staff, and that he'd handed the candidate a t-shirt from his "Marcha Migrante III," the third in a series of cross-country trips he and other activists have made to lobby elected officials for immigrant-friendly law changes.