New York Times publisher Bill Keller congratulates staff on immigration coverage
Welcome... to the New York Times Alternate Universe. From a speech he gave yesterday where he announced that between 100 and 150 employees would be seeking somewhere else to spin their tales, New York Times publisher Bill Keller said among many other things this:
We have outpaced everyone else in the news business in recognizing and exploring the impact of immigration on our world and our national temper. This past year, in addition to covering the demographics and politics... and we shone a bright light on global migration through work by Jason DeParle. And we gave it all a human face...
The links in the text are to examples of New York Times news articles - not editorials - lying or offering misleading or incomplete information about immigration... and just from September 2007, and just the ones I covered. There are many more here, and many, many more in the NYT archives.
PJ (not verified)
Fri, 02/15/2008 - 23:23
HS 13849 2008-02-16T01:23:26-06:00
Isn't this like "we have to destroy this village in order to save it"? I hope the NYT and LAT completely fold.
Mary (not verified)
Sat, 02/16/2008 - 03:28
HS 13850 2008-02-16T05:28:04-06:0
This guy is living in laLa can people still subscribe to this rag??? The dumbing down of America continues....
llamajockey (not verified)
Sat, 02/16/2008 - 05:01
HS 13851 2008-02-16T07:01:29-06:00
It is not just the NYT, and LA Times. I hear the Chicago Tribune is still taking a beating as well. Here in Indianapolis the Gannet owned Star has been up until the last year or so unrelentingly pro Open Borders. And guess what?? It is one of the few national papers of any size to post a circulation gain. The Star still got caught completely flat footed when only days before the last election it finally got a hint that the extremely Pro-Open Borders Mayor Bart Peterson was headed for unprecedented upset by a total unknown and unfunded Republican Greg Ballard. The Star has a pretty good sports section and having the Colts riding high does not hurt. Indianapolis is still a small enough city that it prints all the high school basketball and football coverage. Locals eat that sh*t up. But I can tell you the paper has definiately toned down its pro-open borders agenda from an 11+ to about a 7 1/2. I have have to believe that is a factor its maintaining its readership. It looks like the NYT, Trib and LAT need to catch a clue before it is too late. Their respective Upper East Side, Gold Coast/NorthShore and West Hollywood/Beverly Hills world views are pretty much the target of parody by just about everybody. Time to replace the idiot inbred fourth generation trust fund babies before they finish running them into the ground.