Mexican official hits U.S. citizen while passing out Matricula Consular cards at public school?
I don't know how much credence to give the possible assault charge discussed here, but a mobile Mexican consulate from their Santa Ana office held an event at a public school in San Juan Capistrano, California to pass out, among other forms of ID, Matricula Consular cards. Having to use one of those cards as ID is a very strong indicator of being an illegal alien.
An unidentified person who was apparently a Mexican government official told the Minuteman group they couldn't be there and couldn't take pictures. There's no video of that, but, if it did happen as described it takes a lot of gall for a foreign government official to tell U.S. citizens to vacate government property. The police were called; they informed the official that the Minutemen had a right to be there and didn't ask them to leave. Apparently there was some sort of scuffle, with the page claiming that the official struck one of the protesters.
If the mainstream media weren't completely corrupt this would be a fairly large story, but things like this will never be. The only way around that is what I've been saying for over a year: go out and ask politicians tough questions designed to discredit them, and then upload their responses to video sites. That will have a far greater impact than local protests that never receive MSM coverage.
amanda (not verified)
Fri, 02/08/2008 - 01:11
HS 13753 2008-02-08T03:11:03-06:00
'The police were called; they informed the official that the Minutemen had a right to be there and didn't ask them to leave.' And someone needs to inform Janet Murguia that the First Amendment applies to what she, or anyone else, deems 'hate speech'. It's all protected speech. As the head of a self-described 'civil rights group' is it too much to ask that she have at least a rudimentary understanding of what our civil rights are?
eh (not verified)
Fri, 02/08/2008 - 07:54
HS 13754 2008-02-08T09:54:27-06:00
_Having to use one of those cards as ID is a very strong indicator of being an illegal alien._ It's pretty much a fucking guarantee.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Mon, 02/11/2008 - 21:03
HS 13755 2008-02-11T23:03:40-06:00
how long before all non hispanics must get the card?