Tweets to U.S. Coast Guard

U.S. Coast Guard's avatar
Twitter handle: 
U.S. Coast Guard
Washington, D.C.
Official Twitter account for the U.S. Coast Guard. If in distress, use VHF channel 16 or dial 911. (RT, follows β‰  endorsements)
Tweets to this user:
Bryan Suits KFI AM640's avatar
From @darksecretplace
If your restaurant or eatery would be so kind as to accept a US Coast Guard @USCG ID for a free family meal, I'll m…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@darksecretplace: alternatively, you could just help wise up those Trump has scammed that Congress would tear down whatever of the "wall" gets built as soon as he's out of office. You'd fight a scammer, encourage actual anti-illegal immigration policy, & help USCG & USA.