Thanks, Huckabee: Arkansas Mexican consul opposing immigration laws

Back in 2003, former Arksansas governor and current presidential contender Mike Huckabee asked Vicente Fox to establish a Mexican consulate in Arkansas. They opened that earlier this year, and consul Andres Chao has been a busy beaver:
A sweeping [Prop. 200/187-style] Oklahoma law denying benefits and jobs to illegal immigrants raises concerns among the Hispanic community around the region, the region's Mexican consul said Thursday.

Consul Andres Chao said those concerns come as police agencies in northwest Arkansas prepare to send officers to federal immigration training. However, as Arkansas' cost of living remains low, the state and surrounding area will draw immigrants wanting to save money to send home to their families, he said.

"The Hispanic community is worried about this new law," Chao said in an interview with The Associated Press. "They are working together to try to convince (them) that this new law is not perfect. They are doing the jobs over there and they insist there are other options."

...Chao said lawyers working with immigrants groups planned to challenge the law on constitutional grounds. He said the consulate, based in Little Rock, would work to protect the human and labor rights of Mexican immigrants, without mentioning how state laws should treat them...
I'll try to look into whether those lawyers have links to the Mexican government, or whether they're just useful idiots.

Chao is also complaining that Steve Womack, the mayor of Rogers, AR has been stonewalling him on a meeting; that city is among others sending their police officers for 287 (g) training, which would allow them to participate in federal immigration enforcement:
Chao said he has scheduled meetings in September with the Rogers police chief and with the sheriffs of Washington and Benton counties.

"It's my point of view that it's better to talk with the community, to know each other and understand the situation and fix it," Chao said. "The (Hispanic) community is worried about this situation. They are wondering what is going to be the next step."

He said the consulate in Little Rock has received numerous calls from people who fear unjustified arrests and deportation.
Mexican consul from Little Rock encourages advocacy for illegal immigration


I would like to know what your stand is on the millions of illegal immigrants in the US and what you plan to do about them?