A tough question for John McCain (let's block amnesty)
If you want to block an illegal alien amnesty, calling Congress is only going to go so far; many of our elected officials just aren't listening. That doesn't mean you shouldn't call, but an additional, even more effective way is to go to campaign appearances and ask tough questions, and then publicize the response. The goal is to discredit politicians and have an impact on their careers. That's something that will get their attention.
Here's one possible question for John McCain:
Senator McCain: You've previously stated that not passing some form of illegal alien legalization could lead to civil disturbances [1] such as have occurred in Paris. Who's responsible for putting the U.S. in such an extremely dangerous situation? (Pointing at McCain while saying the last part is optional).
Alternative second sentence:
Shouldn't elected officials have prevented such an extremely dangerous situation from developing in the first place?
If president Bush had done his job and enforced the immigration laws across the board [2], and if Congress had done its job and made sure the president was enforcing the laws, would the U.S. be in such an extremely dangerous situation?
Here are some questions for John Edwards; at least one of those could be asked of McCain as well.
If you decide to go out and ask questions, have these footnotes handy on flyers to be passed out:
[1] McCain said the following on June 2, 2007 at a campaign stop in Mars, IA:
"In case you hadn't noticed, the thousands of people who have been relegated to ghettos have risen up and burned cars in France... They've got huge problems in France. They have tremendous problems. The police can't even go into certain areas in the suburbs of Paris. I don't want that in the suburbs of America."
[2] From this June 22, 2005 AP story:
Under the Clinton administration in 1999, federal officials formally notified 417 employers that they would be fined for knowingly hiring illegal immigrants or improperly completing employment verification forms... But only three employers received the notice of a fine in 2003, GAO auditors found... Similarly, immigration officials arrested 2,849 individuals at workplaces in 1999. By 2003, the GAO noted, the number of workplace arrests had fallen to 445. This is a trivial number compared with the roughly 5 million unauthorized workers now estimated to be in the United States.