Linda Chavez: opposition to amnesy is just about racism, xenophobia
Posted Fri, May 25, 2007 at 5:59 pm
Linda Chavez - recently mentioned here playing the race card in the case of the Fort Dix Six - just got back from the 99 Cents store with a bag full of cards and threw all of them - together with whatever small amount of credibility she had remaining - on the table:
Some people just don't like Mexicans -- or anyone else from south of the border. They think Latinos are freeloaders and welfare cheats who are too lazy to learn English. They think Latinos have too many babies, and that Latino kids will dumb down our schools. They think Latinos are dirty, diseased, indolent and more prone to criminal behavior. They think Latinos are just too different from us ever to become real Americans.There really isn't that much of a difference between her argument and those to be found at DailyKos, BrainFireHeadDogLakeBrain, Amanda Marcotte's site, or other left-wing smear sites. And, if she feels this way about the large majority of Republicans who oppose illegal immigration, then perhaps she (together with Bush, Michael Gerson, and the rest) should find another party more to their liking.
No amount of hard, empirical evidence to the contrary, and no amount of reasoned argument or appeals to decency and fairness, will convince this small group of Americans -- fewer than 10 percent of the general population, at most -- otherwise. Unfortunately, among this group is a fair number of Republican members of Congress, almost all influential conservative talk radio hosts, some cable news anchors -- most prominently, Lou Dobbs -- and a handful of public policy "experts" at organizations such as the Center for Immigration Studies, the Federation for American Immigration Reform, NumbersUSA, in addition to fringe groups like the Minuteman Project.
Stripped bare, this is what the current debate on immigration reform is all about...
eh (not verified)
Sat, 05/26/2007 - 05:16
HS 11104 2007-05-26T07:16:34-05:00
_...and that Latino kids will dumb down our schools._ They already do. [1] Note the graduation rate in the heavily Hispanic (i.e. Mexican) LA Unified district -- only 41%. _...more prone to criminal behavior._ Not surprisingly, this is also true. [2] In fact, almost everything she says these 'racists' and 'xenophobes' "think" is EASILY VERIFIABLE DEMOGRAPHIC FACT. Pretty soon she'll say that people who cite this data are 'spreading hate', and her rhetorical repertoire will be complete. BTW, note the comments [3] to her rant.
llih (not verified)
Sat, 05/26/2007 - 12:23
HS 11105 2007-05-26T14:23:09-05:00
Mexicans belong in Mexico. I am really tired of people confusing Mexican nationals with natural born citizens of Hispanic decent. There is a difference and Chavez knows it. One group along with all the other Americans of her district she is supposed to represent, the others are not citizens, do not belong here, are criminals for violating our immigration laws, and should never be represented in this country.
Pat (not verified)
Sat, 05/26/2007 - 17:45
HS 11106 2007-05-26T19:45:36-05:00
Today La Raza came out against the $5,000 purchase price for citizenship. Methinks they played this card too early--is there any doubt now that what they want is completely open borders?
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sat, 05/26/2007 - 20:54
HS 11107 2007-05-26T22:54:51-05:00
the system is coming apart.
mary (not verified)
Sat, 05/26/2007 - 21:01
HS 11108 2007-05-26T23:01:46-05:0
Thick as Thieves I wonder if I chose to steal from the people who employ me if that would be considered okay. Or would I be prosecuted for stealing from the people I work for......that's eactly what these FRAUDS in the Senate mean to do and they should all be penalized for it!
Patrick (not verified)
Sun, 05/27/2007 - 03:47
HS 11109 2007-05-27T05:47:23-05:00
"Today La Raza came out against the $5,000 purchase price for citizenship. Methinks they played this card too early--is there any doubt now that what they want is completely open borders?" NOPE. This bill is designed to fail.
Patrick (not verified)
Sun, 05/27/2007 - 03:48
HS 11110 2007-05-27T05:48:36-05:00
see also: "Having Senator Ted Kennedy author this bill is like asking an incompetent doctor who botched an operation to conduct the surgery to fix his own mistakes. In 1986, Senator Kennedy said "We will never again bring forward another Amnesty Bill like this." Today, he brings forward the 1986-redo bill, only bigger. Kennedy has joined with La Raza and cheap labor lobbies on the business side to ensure that American immigration stays as out-of-control as possible, and the result is predictably bad."
Smitty (not verified)
Sun, 05/27/2007 - 06:16
HS 11111 2007-05-27T08:16:32-05:00
Actually Latinos do collect welfare at a far higher rate than Americans, as from the means-tested subsidies numbers they do have far too many babies (if you think too many is more than you can afford) and Latinos do dumb down our schools (not all Latinos). I don't know about the "dirty" part, I don't think Latinos are any dirtier than any other group although living in multiple family households designed for single families will limit bathing time and also promote disease transmission at far higher rates than less dense households, they also have far higher rates of alcoholism, obesity & diabetes. Stereotypes usually come from common group characteristics, not out of left field, in that sense Ted Kennedy is your typical Irish Catholic, perpetually drunk corrupt union minded Socialist. Linda Chavez is guilty of the same crime, (being a stereotype) siding with her criminal Latino brothers from a foreign nation(s) who share nothing in common other than their tan skin-in typical Latino tribal fashion. She's siding with a mob of hostile criminal aliens for tribal reasons against her own fellow countrymen not based on political philosophy or private property rights but sheer tribal racism.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sun, 05/27/2007 - 06:30
HS 11112 2007-05-27T08:30:04-05:00
Mary we have no Laws. soon it will be just like mexico but you will be the new target of the government of mexican drug dealers, think act live.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sun, 05/27/2007 - 06:56
HS 11113 2007-05-27T08:56:37-05:00
THANK You BTW Sent a commemt to that drug dealer pig from mexico city. think open civil war if amnesty is forced on the people the next move by the drug dealers and its evil government is the camp system if you don't get in line.
The Other Mary (not verified)
Sun, 05/27/2007 - 11:32
HS 11114 2007-05-27T13:32:47-05:00
_She's siding with a mob of hostile criminal aliens for tribal reasons against her own fellow countrymen not based on political philosophy or private property rights but sheer tribal racism._ Good description and very true of almost all "Latino" politicians and media pundits.
mary (not verified)
Mon, 05/28/2007 - 01:09
HS 11115 2007-05-28T03:09:22-05:0
Hi Fred, I've been calling our traitors all week......told them amnesty will happen OVER MY DEAD BODY!! But what can we do??? Killer Kennedy is my Senator...cannot understand how that blowhard killer gets elected over and over again....