DWRNTC: concentration camps for illegal aliens?
Welcome to the premiere edition of "DWRNTC", which stands for "Do We Really Need This Crap?" These posts will highlight completely unnecessary crap to which we would not be subjected if our immigration laws were enforced.
First up is the recent spate of articles from far-left racial advocates claiming that the DHS is imprisoning illegal aliens in "concentration camps". If our laws had been enforced this would not be an issue, and as long as our laws are not enforced unneeded crap like this will keep coming up.
First example is Some Dare Call Them "Concentration Camps" (Pt. 1) by David Neiwert of Orcinus. That's a follow-up to posts by fellow BrainFireLakeDog contributor Pachacutec, who started the ball rolling. Other notables mentioned in the "article" are Digby, Lambert at Correntewire, and Latina Lista. The latter offers the more recent "Update on U.S. Concentration Camp for Immigrant Families".
The latter informs us that the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas is on the case (that organization's indirect link to the Mexican government is, of course, not disclosed). Also, Jay J. Johnson-Castro, Sr. - who walked a hundred or so miles along the border to protest the fence - is planning a much longer march from San Diego to the T. Don Hutto Residential facility in Taylor, Texas in mid-February.
To a certain extent, these far-lefties/racial advocates might have a point on specific issues. However, if there were many fewer illegal aliens in the U.S. things like this would never be in a position to happen. We wouldn't need the border fence, and things like Halliburton getting a $385 million detention facilities contract would look extremely suspicious instead of looking like a necessity.