Bill Gates: "freedom of migration is a good thing" (also: Reuters misleads)

Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates - sounding like a cross between Vicente Fox and Martha Stewart - said the following in Mexico:

"I'm a big believer that as much as possible, and there's obviously political limitations, freedom of migration is a good thing."

He also supported immigration "reform". Obviously, Bill Gates should concentrate on creating clunky software. While Microsoft benefits from increased levels of high-skilled immigration, what's best for MS isn't always what's best for the U.S. And, in Mexico, "freedom of migration" means the right of low-skilled workers to enter the U.S. at will, thereby affecting our own low-wage workers, increasing social problems such as crime and school costs and on and on, and giving even more political power inside the U.S. to the Mexican government. About the only immediate benefit to Microsoft out of that would be lower prices for their employees' domestic workers, coupled with higher prices for social services.

Massive illegal immigration is also a strong indicator of massive political corruption, and Gates might want to be wary of the latter. While to a certain extent he might be relying on political corruption in the U.S. or other countries, it can always turn against him. He might want to take a lesson from the other billionaires in Russia and China and take a look at Hugo Chavez' nationalization moves.

The unnamed "reporter" from Reuters also makes a highly misleading statement:

Tens of thousands of Mexicans sneak into the United States every year...

Now, go back and add a zero to that figure.

Microsoft donated to CA Assemblyman Manny Diaz, who proposed a Matricula Consular bill
Fernando Guerra is a Microsoft lobbyist
"Who is the Cheap Labor Lobby?"
Big Business Balks at Bush Propaganda Plan


Jeez. Bill Gates has to understand that you can have high quality schools or you can flood them with low skill, poorly educated, often illiterate third world people. You simply cannot do both. What an idiot.

Bill GATES Wants one thing Power.

Gates is about as far removed from the nation degrading crud [1] associated with "migration" as can be imagined -- the 'migrants' won't be moving to his neighborhood.


Freedom of migration might be a good thing, if it is done lawfully and with the consent of the citizens of each nation. When it is done otherwise, people usually call it "war".

Freedom is a joke in mexico and will be here soon.

jeebie | 03.22.07 - 9:16 pm | # "Freedom of migration might be a good thing, if it is done lawfully and with the consent of the citizens of each nation. When it is done otherwise, people usually call it "war"." Great post jeebie. Right on mark. Freedom of migration - they have the freedom to migrate IF they can demonstrate they are able to conform to OUR LAWS AND POLICIES - OF WHICH THEY HAVE NOT. HENCE - PROOF - THEY ARE ILLEGAL. People usually call it war - correct. It could also be concidered a "hostile attempt to takeover" or hostile attempt to "colonize" another country. HENCE - Why WE HAVE LAWS/BORDERS. HAVING THAT MANY FORIEGN NATIONALS FROM ONE COUNTRY IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who says it's unacceptable -- besides you? I've got no problem with it. And let me get this straight, piss poor people who come flooding over the border to work 15 hours a day in some sweatbox are here to lead a hostile takeover of the country? Must be a new theory I haven't read up on yet. "Jeez. Bill Gates has to understand that you can have high quality schools or you can flood them with low skill, poorly educated, often illiterate third world people. You simply cannot do both. What an idiot." And why not educate these illiterate third world people at our high quality schools iike has been done for 150 years with immigrants? The future benefits have historically been proven to be enormous.You act like we've never had high numbers of foreign speaking immigrants before. Check out the mid 1800s to the early 1900s - these people even inspired a political party that preached exactly what this blog does. And were called the Know-Nothings, which pretty well describes the BS I've read the last hour or so on this racist site. (They were good Chrisitans too who knew that Jesus would have refused free medical care and food to children who's parents couldn't come up with a green card. And free schooling? What do you think you are -- a person?) People who use terms like nation degrading crud forget their ancestors were called the same thing. That's the great thing about America. I think. 50 years from now Mexicans will be irate about the latest batch of immigrants and calling them nation degrading crud. Doesn't anybody on this blog of hate stop and think whats going to happen to an economy when you just yank 10 or 12 million workers out of it -- I don't care what kind of jobs they have. Not to mention the billions it's going to cost to do so, nor the billions it's going to cost to put up our damn fence -- which will have to be more like sets of different walls of various heights with cameras and lights etc.? And for what? So we can all stand around and say no more wetbacks in the US of A? Who you gonna blame then for all that's wrong here? Yeah, I know, the goddamn liberals.