He's dreamy!
Posted Tue, Jan 18, 2005 at 9:27 am · short link
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lvb . net/media/lvb2005a/20050117-billgates-teenbeat.jpg
From 1983's Teen Beat magazine. Another picture here (geekrant . org/2005/01/20/gatesy-baby), discussion here (slashdot . org/articles/05/01/18/1510248.shtml?tid=133&tid=109).
If you'd rather see a hot steamy dance from Steve Ballmer, click here (ntk . net/ballmer/mirrors.html).
UPDATE: According to Snopes (snopes . com/photos/people/gates.asp), these are not from Teen Beat. Instead they're publicity photos, described by the MS-owned Corbis as follows:
"Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft, reclines on his desk in his office soon after the release of Windows 1.0. 1985 Bellevue, Washington, USA."