Pro-illegal immigration loons descend on Farmers Branch
Farmers Branch, Texas is trying to pass a Hazleton-style ordinance designed to reduce the numbers of illegal aliens in the town. In the past this has resulted in things like Hector Flores - formerly of LULAC - encouraging a Hispanic-only house buying binge.
This biased article describes the latest doings, including apparently linking to the most recent versions of the ordinances and including quotes like this from one Elizabeth Villafranca of the group Uniting Farmers Branch:
"We are not pro-illegal immigration... We simply feel that this is not something that the City of Farmers Branch or any other municipality should be involved in... Most of us believe that the Federal Government needs to provide comprehensive immigration reform at the earliest moment, which would include a guest worker program and a path to citizenship for many undocumented citizens."
They aren't supporters of illegal immigration (honest!) They just want to take every step possible to avoid immigration enforcement and make sure that illegal aliens can continue living and working there. The second sentence is simply a dodge, and one used by many other illegal immigration supporters. They know full well that the federal government isn't doing hardly anything about the issue; if it was, they'd probably be suggesting the opposite local reaction. And, of course, there's no such thing as an "undocumented citizen", and the fact that someone would even say such a thing mistakenly illustrates that they do not respect our immigration laws.
And, were informed:
State Representative Rafael Anchia flew in from Austin to attend the Council meeting... "As city council members at the local level, you have a burden... A very productive thing for this council to do is to ask the federal government to ask for a comprehensive immigration program at the federal level."
A very productive thing for those in the area to do is pass out flyers explaining exactly what a "comprehensive immigration program" means and what it would do.