Eliot Spitzer considering driver's licenses for illegal aliens
New York governor Eliot Spitzer is considering giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens. Former governor Pataki required social security numbers to get a license, but the Coalition for a Secure Driver's License says he's about to repeal that:
"The 9/11 Commission pointed out that the 19 terrorists had at least 35 licenses," a board member of the coalition who lost his 23-year-old son in the World Trade Center attack, Peter Gadiel, said. "These licenses were the keys that enabled them to rent cars and open bank accounts, get credits cards, and buy flight lessons. It gave them everything they needed to plan, rehearse, and carry out their attacks."
As the issue gains traction in Albany, Mr. Spitzer, who has moved other contentious issues such gay marriage off of the front burner, is showing signs of rethinking his position. "This is a complex issue, which we are reviewing carefully," Ms. Anderson, told the Albany Times Union yesterday. "Before moving forward with any proposal, we would do an exhaustive review all security-related maters."
Hats off to the New York Immigration Coalition
"If 250,000 New York Driver's Licenses Do Not Match Social Security Data, How Many Voters are Illegally Registered?"
"License Crackdown Stirs Sharp Debate at Hearing"
"N.Y. '9/11' check yanks 300k driver licenses"
eh (not verified)
Sun, 01/21/2007 - 13:30
"This is a complex issue, which we are reviewing carefully," Ms. Anderson, told the Albany Times Union yesterday.
Total bullshit. It is, in fact, very simple: no government entity has any business whatsoever giving an official document, especially a driver's license, to people who have no legal right to be here.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sat, 01/20/2007 - 23:34
if the government and its people had its way we would see 50 9-11 a year, if it didn't hurt/harm the government and its people, we are not one people but are the fools for rats in government.