Tweets to Sword of Damocles

Sword of Damocles's avatar
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Sword of Damocles
None of your Beeswax.
Tweets to this user:
GayP*triot's avatar
From @AmericanHomocon
The Krassensteins have finally met Harambe and Merrick Garland.
Sword of Damocles's avatar
From @inappros
@AmericanHomocon I’m the end, I learned we are all Krassensteins?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AmericanHomocon cheers Twitter banning Krassensteins & @inappros replies "[now we're all them]". Both #MAGA & the far-left are so similar: marching, waving dim signs, lying, smearing, pushing censorship, forming personality cults, etc. etc.
Sword of Damocles's avatar
From @inappros
@24AheadDotCom_ @AmericanHomocon It was a Joke you fucking moron. Your take is garbage.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@inappros replies "it was a joke [swear words]". You & @AmericanHomocon obviously aren't joking: you're keen on censoring those you can't show wrong. P.S. You also got hoist on your own petard. I won't explain the irony to you.
Sword of Damocles's avatar
From @inappros
@24AheadDotCom_ @AmericanHomocon ***BREAKING: Local Douche Bag thinks Krassenstein's are being censored for politic…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@inappros: I have no use for the Krassensteins, but banning them reduces those (lamely) attempting to hold politicians accountable. Clearly, Twitter wanted to ban a high-profile lib to show they don't just ban high-profile cons. None of those are good things. @AmericanHomocon