Infiltrator watch: DailyKos meets demographic hegemony

"Duke1676" blogs about immigration matters at his own site and other places including DailyKos. He's on the other side, and he recently offered a standard smear piece on Tom Tancredo. However, while his "suggestions on the upcoming immigration debate" does include his own misguided views, it does have some advice that others at DK and on other sites should consider following. Namely, doing research, not entirely trusting sources with their own axe to grind, etc.

But, that's not why we're here.

One of the comments on that entry is from a user called "cador", who's only written one diary entry and six comments, the first on 11/03/06 (click his name to find those). His views seem a little... extreme. While some of the Kossacks disagree with him, none of them call him on his extremist views. Perhaps that's because of his use of words like "AmeriKKKa", a true marker of a Kossack Kid. I suspect that he's really far out there, or he's playing some kind of serious or not-so-serious game. And, his comments appear to have originally been written in Cambodian, Chinese, Russian, or German. Assuming the latter, I've taken the liberty of (automatically) translating them back:
Das RepubliKKKlans und das fromme REICH haben weg für weit zu langes mit Bigotry und Homophobie erhalten, ist es Zeit für Progressisten, irgendeinen ernsten tretenden Kolben zu bilden und diese fundies zu den reeducation Lagern zu schicken, damit sie die amerikanische Weise beachten und respektieren können.
(He wants to send religious fundamentalists to "reeducation camps" so they can learn the American way).

From the first thread, here's a re-translation of parts of his comments:
Und indem wir zugelassene Immigration erhöhten, könnten wir eine dauerhafte demokratische Majorität verordnen und das Rethuglicans wird auf einem Hinterteil Caucus im Rassisten verringert, landwirtschaftlich, Gewehr-toting Enklaven im tiefen Süden...

Die Sierra Club hat kein Problem mit Immigration und ich nicht auch nicht.

Es gibt zu viele Arbeiten, die Amerikaner nicht erledigen möchten. George Bush, Rethuglican bastard, daß er ist, wird schließlich führt einen vernünftigen Gastarbeiter Programmdank des eben gewählten demokratischen Kongresses (neugierig, den es seine eigene xenophobic Partei im Haus war, das ihn auf diesem jedem Schritt der Weise blockierte).

Sobald Amerika kleiner als das 50% Weiß ist, hat der Rassist RepubliKKKlans keine Wahrscheinlichkeit in der Hölle von überhaupt wieder gewählt überhaupt erhalten.
(As soon as America is less than 50% white, the "racist RepubliKKKans" won't stand a chance in hell of getting elected.)

My apologies to Germans and German speakers everywhere. UPDATE below.

UPDATE: Unfortunately, "cador" has been designated a troll by the Kos Kommunity because of this latest diary, which includes this:
Let us heed the words of Art Torres, Democratic State Senator from California:

"Power is not given to you. You have to take it. Remember, 187 is the last gasp of white America in California. Understand that."

Live it, breathe it, Kossacks. As more and more people of Color come to America we are making it more impossible for the RethugliKKKlans to ever becoming elected again, except perhaps as a rump caucus representing racist, rural gun-toting districts.
The quote in that excerpt is true, and Art Torres is now the Chairman of the CA Democratic Party. Apparently unaware that such comments came from one of their own, one says, "Reminds me of rhetoric out of the Black Panthers. Bigotry is bigotry. One would think people would know that by now" and another saying, "this diary is divisive hyperbolic racist joke...." And, someone else points out this previous comment from "cador":
Only paranoid Rethuglican idiots believe in firearms ownership. As far as I'm concerned (and most progressives would agree), all guns should be banned. If we get a Supreme Court majority to agree that the 2nd amendment is unconstitutional and uncivilized, then America's standing in the world, especially in Europe would improve tenfold.
To all the other "cadors" out there, I'd suggest having a bit longer history, then start slipping in the questionable suggestions. And, to all of those who are currently following that more effective strategy, keep up the good work.


this is not a joke it is the coming evil. buy guns.

Mein Gott, I don't know vhy El Vacko hass suddenly started talking Tcherman, I mean Deutsch!

buy guns the time is coming when its your life or your death, the system of evil is in total control in all areas of life and the system needs a mass victim OR prey to attack for the ideals of the third worlds people, soon the USA Will be a dead thing in the night of history and a dead idea under the control of guys like mexico fox/bush/hill and bill show, and people who still think that justice in alive will become the quarry for the political pigs who run this once great nation of laws and ideals, buy guns make cells make friends and fight like real Americans!