Tweets to Joe Del Norte

Joe Del Norte's avatar
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Joe Del Norte
Jersey City, NJ
Horse Researcher and Aftercare Donor. A femtosecond is forever. Mark 5:6. US Navy Capt. William McGonagle is my hero. #BlueLivesMatter #GenFlynn
Tweets to this user:
Joe Del Norte's avatar
From @joe_norte
@vdare I guess George Pataki was unavailable?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@joe_norte: Breitbart banned me for constantly showing Trump wrong on immigration, etc. Sailer fans smeared me for trying to make Trump better on it. @vDare has repeatedly refused to help with the smart anti-amnesty plan in my bio. And, those like you keep enabling them.