YouTube trackbacks issue: political or technical?

Each YouTube video page has a "Links to this video" section and, even when there are assuredly a large number of such links that have generated massive amounts of traffic to that video, there may be no links at all or the links that are shown seem a bit funky. A case in point is the George Bush Mexican flag waving video linked to from here. I'd imagine that that video has received a dozen or so hits from my post, and most of the rest of the 383 views are from the link at the Human Events page. Yet, at post time, no links are showing.

Alternatively, consider the David Zucker/Madeline Albright ad which has over 700,000 views. The five links shown at post time are 162 clicks from this, and 7, 1, 1, and 1 clicks from various Myspace sites. Yet, one would think that tens or hundreds of thousands of those views were generated by the Drudge link.

And, someone else else has noticed this and says that as of two days ago that Zucker video had no trackbacks showing. Search for "hits back from youtube" at this page.

One will note that in the link to the Bush video I put the URL of the post in urlencoded format like so (line broken up intentionally):
& [etc.]

I've seen their videos linked plain ( and with an empty eurl (, and I thought that putting the url in the eurl would do the trick.

Whether this is a technical issue or some sort of political filtering is not known.


Not to mention they're now owned by Google who has been examined at length for their employee contributions to left wingers.

That's to be expected though since they have so many PHD and "educated" types.

Considering YT's removal of conservative-posted spoof & parody videos and materials, and cancelling of conservative accounts - and their refusal to explain why - I would have to guess---political.

They are cowards and are feeling mightily threatened. That's a dangerous combination.

all things are political inside the P.C. World.
all movies and tv shows are political and have some kind of agenda, star gate is political star trek is political, news is political, the rats who are running the real government have the end game agenda, and you tube is only a tool for someone who hates your ideals and your world of freedom.