Tweets to New York Times Opinion

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New York Times Opinion
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Michelle Goldberg's avatar
From @michelleinbklyn
Connie C. Keys's avatar
From @hotelkeys
@michelleinbklyn @nytopinion He is trying to EXONERATE Russia!!!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@hotelkeys: hi Connie. As you can see from the reports linked from my pinned tweet, Twitter censors ~42% of the replies to Medvedev. @michelleinbklyn wants them to censor even more, helping him even more. She wants more U.S. censorship, a key Putin goal.
New York Times Opinion's avatar
From @nytopinion
The deep state is alive and well, composed of patriotic public servants. Their aim is not to bring down President T…
Deming Dutchess's avatar
From @DemingDutchess
@nytopinion @mcottle Sooooo opinion? Question...did you do due diligence and research? I’m reaching and still can’t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DemingDutchess: you, Trump, & Mulvaney should thank your lucky stars for those like @mcottle. The last thing she's going to do is point out to MAGA how pro-amnesty Mulvaney is. She's forbidden by Slim from doing anything that'd undercut globalism: it'd cost her boss money.
New York Times Opinion's avatar
From @nytopinion
The deep state isn't a secret, antidemocratic cabal. It's a collection of public servants looking to guard the Repu…
Keith in Austin's avatar
From @callawaykeith
@nytopinion @mcottle The NYTimes is the CABAL!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Thank you for your message. MT @callawaykeith [to nytopinion mcottle] The NYTimes is the CABAL!
Charles M. Blow's avatar
From @CharlesMBlow
Read my column, “Impeach the Malignant Fraudster,” and let me know what you think. #ImpeachTheMF via @NYTOpinion
Justin Snider's avatar
From @godofgrammar
@CharlesMBlow @nytopinion Spot on! “Republicans in Washington have not only been absolute cowards about standing up…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@godofgrammar: all of @CharlesMBlow 's past anti-Trump tantrums obviously haven't worked, but clearly his latest will! Trump's been extremely vulnerable to his base for years, but those like Blow simply lack the smarts, sanity, & life experience to use it against him.
New York Times Opinion's avatar
From @nytopinion
Kamala Harris’s campaign has had two main problems: Her surprising penchant for gaffes, and her lack of an overarch…
PLL 1942's avatar
From @pll1942
@nytopinion @DLeonhardt Typo: "It doesn’t help voters understands her values and priorities." *doesn't help voters understand
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@pll1942: much, much more important than typos is the fact that @nytopinion is covering up for Kamala over her enabling the murders of Bologna & his sons. Shouldn't they at least mention that, or are you OK with them only telling you what they want you to know?
New York Times Opinion's avatar
From @nytopinion
The number of refugees arriving in the United States plummeted from around 97,000 in 2016 to 23,000 in 2018.
Gwen Austin's avatar
From @GwenAustin6
@nytopinion Obviously it is for their safety!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@GwenAustin6: Trump's horrific, but @nytopinion is owned by one of the world's richest men (Slim) & they push his billionaire agenda (loose borders, free trade, globalism). Letting in large #s of refugees papers over the real problem & makes things in sending countries worse.
New York Times Opinion's avatar
From @nytopinion
Aside from the huge tax cut for corporations, it’s becoming increasingly clear that Trumpism is bad for business. O…
Rob Davis's avatar
From @golferrobd
@nytopinion @paulkrugman Kind of side note, but a lot of wealth (for people and corporations) is held in stocks and…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Made in USA is a great idea, Trump's just doing it wrong as usual. That said, NYT is all about helping Slim (their owner; look him up) make even more billions via globalism. MT @golferrobd MT nytopinion ...Trumpism is bad for business [Paul Krugman opines]
Quinta "Pro Quo" Jurecic's avatar
From @qjurecic
On the Mueller report as a detective story, for @nytopinion
Krabappel's avatar
From @Krabappel42
@qjurecic @nytopinion "Forget it, Jake. It's Trumptown."
FYIKitty 💗🐶🇺🇸🌈🥕😇's avatar
From @mdbbrooks
@qjurecic @nytopinion I’ve been fascinated with the Russia investigation from the beginning starting with the Steel…
FYIKitty 💗🐶🇺🇸🌈🥕😇's avatar
From @mdbbrooks
@qjurecic @nytopinion @SethAbramson Also - there are so many aspects to the detective story waiting to be uncovered…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Thankfully, you & Quinta will have plenty of time to uncover that after Trump's been reelected. MT @mdbbrooks [to @qjurecic calling Mueller report a "detective story"] Also - there are so many aspects to the detective story waiting to be uncovered...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Krabappel42: Trump has always been extremely vulnerable *to his base* - where it counts - on issues those like @qjurecic ignore. That's why he won. They continue their losing ways by obsessing over things that won't ever impact Trump. They might as well work for Trump.
New York Times Opinion's avatar
From @nytopinion
George Wallace's targets at presidential rallies were, for the most part, presented in the abstract, writes…
Pat's avatar
From @TrishTheMiddle
@nytopinion @KevinMKruse Yesterday, I thought the Baltimore Sun editorial about Representative Cummings and Trump w…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TrishTheMiddle: Trump's horrific, but @nytopinion is owned by one of the richest men in the world & the Koch agenda (loose borders/free trade/globalism) makes him more money. That's why the NYT pays @KevinMKruse to sell the Koch agenda in a way that's palatable to ppl like you.
TruthSeeker's avatar
From @DorothyisAwake
@nytopinion @nytimes @parentwin Send the Illegals to NYC and LA
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Thank you for your patriotism. RT @DorothyisAwake Send the Illegals to NYC and LA
