"[Canadian] Immigration policy a 'death wish''

From this:
A leading terrorism expert says Canada's liberal open-door immigration policy is a "death wish" for an attack on home soil.

David Harris, a former top CSIS official who's now a senior fellow with the Canadian Coalition for Democracies, believes a bloated influx of immigrants and refugees poses a serious threat to national security. He said the entry system has spun "out of control," with the country now taking in far more people than it can properly screen and integrate into society.

"That's a death wish," he said. "It's inconceivable the way that we've managed ourselves in that regard, and it's a terrible shame for the immigrant communities who have come in to make a constructive, peaceful life to find that they're frequently under siege by radicals in their midst."

Harris said the growing problem of homegrown terrorists also stems from flawed immigration policies, since Canada is building "colonies of isolation" with the extensive penetration of certain ethnic groups. That has a ghettoizing effect, fuelling isolation and imagined racial or religious supremacy, he said.

"If people come in absorbable, smaller numbers, then presumably there's a better chance they can interact and integrate charter values," Harris said...


The terrorists don't have to be with OBL Osama Bin Laden, the well-known terrorist leader. They can be with OBL the Open Borders Lobby, who's letting in all those folks who are clamoring to get in but who hate the countries they are entering for whatever reason.

To eh that is always been the real plan, not that whites are good people or blacks are good americans but the plan is to stop the ideals of what a nation and its people stand for. if the one world guys win, "this world", will be one big enslavement camp for the 3 percent that will rule us and god help the guys who will live inside that evil world.

"hey what the rats want", is a world without borders and a place without hope.

Because they CAN.

I'm not so sure. Because bin Laden et al have explained a number of times why they do what they do, and it has nothing to do with our 'freedom' or 'democracy'; and this is true no matter how many times that idiot Bush puts out his 'they hate us because we're free' line.

Still, Canada is actively involved in Afghanistan. And when you import so many immigrants from so many places, you also import their internecine problems.

"That's a death wish," he said.

But Canada's immigration policy will certainly destroy its white, demographic majority, which is its heritage and the basis of its nationhood. Whether some people want to acknowledge that or not.

You'd think after all the trouble they've had with the Quebecois, the last thing Canadians would want to do is import more 'diversity'.

Think again.

I suspect that Canada believes that it will never have a terrorist attack because it is so liberal and opposed the war in Iraq, condemned the US, etc. What Canada doesn't understand is that its "open, free, diverse" attitude is what will provoke terrorists to attack it. Why? Because they CAN.

people will do nothing but get in line! the people of the world are weapons being used against you! the cartel are winning the reds will rule and billion will pay!

say you stand up and say no to this evil? ask how long before the cops show up for you? this nation is as dead as can be, but most will just wait until its called dead and ask why? by that time you will have nothing and be in line with the other monkeies! "hey people just keep doing nothing but talking and yelling and you to can become a monkey people like the rest! of the world. poor and living to about 40 years old with nothing. AMERICA IS DEAD AND YOU KILLED IT.