Sensenbrenner: White House trying to block House bill (HR4437)

This has been confirmed by someone else on the thread, so it seems accurate:

James Sensenbrenner just called in to Chris Core's conservative radio talk show [on KMAL] to report that Karl Rove, acting for the president, was actively trying to sabotage the House immigration bill by persuading other congressmen not to support it.



New here. Great site. Actually, I heard it was not about the votes, but that state population garners additional congessional seats; the hope is to get more Hispanic seats to further the agenda? Does that sound right?

its really all about new voters ok, the fact is bush cares nothing about real laws and the other guys inside government are as much the enemy as bin laden is, someday the real reason will become total understood and people will not like what is coming.

And here we find out what this is all about: new voters. A "forum" on "dialogue" at a high school conducted by ACLU lawyers who just happen to be present and signing up soon-to-be of voting age. While Rove sells the right down the river, the left is shoring up its majority on the left.