Tweets to Big Joe's BBQ

Big Joe's BBQ's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Big Joe's BBQ
Big Pete's House of Munch
Me. I know stuff sometimes. Here for a good time, not a long time. 📷
Tweets to this user:
Alex Kotch's avatar
From @alexkotch
BREAKING: New Charles Koch Foundation 2018 tax return (courtesy of @duboo) shows that it continued to give to the D…
Big Joe's BBQ's avatar
From @TheRefinedEmo
@alexkotch @duboo For a truly deep dive on the Kochs, check out Kochland by Christopher Leonard
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Does it discuss how closely aligned the Koch agenda (loose borders/free trade/globalism) is with the Dems, MMFA, @alexkotch, etc.? If not, you got duped again. RT @TheRefinedEmo For a truly deep dive on the Kochs, check out Kochland by Christopher Leonard