Don't be a hater, support illegal immigration and lowering American wages!
Posted Tue, Feb 21, 2006 at 8:01 am
A company called Triumph wants to bring a new pork plant to East Moline, IL. From December came "Residents debate over new pork plant in area":
Of course, that win would come at the expense of the truth. Whereever illegal workers go, those who prey on them are sure to follow. For instance: "Iowans get exotic treat: Central American gangs". They came to victimize the workers at various meatpacking plants in that state, and they would surely come for the new East Moline workers. As for the health costs, either all those academic studies are based on "fear and ignorance", or supporters of illegal immigration simply have no counter-argument.
The article also contains a quote from Esteban Loustanau, VP of Casa Guanajuato:
As for his organization, could you please see if there are any links between it and the Mexican government?
Bearing in mind that there might be several organizations with the same name, from "Public-private efforts 'inject life' across border" we have:
"And then you have the air-quality issues, such as dangerous levels of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, as well as dust-borne pathogens," [Karen Hudson, a factory farm consultant from west-central Illinois who is president of Families Against Rural Messes] said. "There are not enough regulations to protect the people. The only way the big corporations can make a profit is by bending the rules."Now, the "Latino community" is speaking out:
Terry Spence, a factory farm consultant from northeast Missouri, said such plants often bring with them costs people don't anticipate. He said those costs involve hospitalization for workers without health insurance, upkeep of roadways and education for migrant workers.
Terry Bush of Davenport, a retired steel worker, said he was greatly concerned about working conditions...
They're concerned the plant is spawning racism and unfair stereotypes about Mexican workers. They held an anti-hate rally on Monday afternoon at the Moline Community Center to address some of the comments pork plant opponents have been making.Obviously, they're trying to shout down the legitimate concerns of U.S. citizens and make them politically incorrect. Who wants to be called a hater? If the illegal immigration supporters can get the local "liberals" on their side, they just might win.
Some have called the pork plant an illegal alien magnet that will bring crime and drain the healthcare system. But Latino leaders say these comments are made out of fear and ignorance.
Of course, that win would come at the expense of the truth. Whereever illegal workers go, those who prey on them are sure to follow. For instance: "Iowans get exotic treat: Central American gangs". They came to victimize the workers at various meatpacking plants in that state, and they would surely come for the new East Moline workers. As for the health costs, either all those academic studies are based on "fear and ignorance", or supporters of illegal immigration simply have no counter-argument.
The article also contains a quote from Esteban Loustanau, VP of Casa Guanajuato:
"We need to start breaking barriers and have an honest discussion about issues"Will that "honest discussion" include calling the other side "haters" for opposing illegal immigration?
As for his organization, could you please see if there are any links between it and the Mexican government?
Bearing in mind that there might be several organizations with the same name, from "Public-private efforts 'inject life' across border" we have:
...Mr Pichardo and Mr. Rubi take part in the Mexican government's 3-for-1 program through Casa Guanajuato, a Dallas club formed about eight years ago to meet the needs of communities back home in Mexico.And, from 8/7/02's "Mexico Shuffles Responsibility For Migrant Affairs"
For every dollar the group kicks in, the government adds $2 to $3 more, with the matches coming from the municipal, state and federal governments in Mexico.
In the state of Guanajuato, the number of public-private projects financed this way has nearly doubled to about 100 in two years, says Diana Alvarez, coordinator of Guanajuato's Migrant Abroad Program...
Despite complaints from some immigrants in the United States, President Vicente Fox closed a special presidential office on migrant affairs Tuesday and created a cabinet-level council and institute to take its place...If you can find direct links between Casa Guanajuato and either the pork plant company or the Mexican government that would be much appreciated.
But Hernandez's agency [the Presidential Office for Attention to Mexicans Abroad] struggled with a small staff and budget. Those close to migrant issues also say Hernandez suffered from competitive clashes with Foreign Minister Jorge Castaneda, who will sit on the new National Council for Mexican Communities Abroad and supervise the new Institute for Mexicans Abroad.
Fox praised the work of Hernandez, who attended Tuesday's event and was named a public relations aide to the president.
"That office had very clear and specific tasks to be completed within a certain time frame," Fox said of Hernandez's agency. "That has been done. And that's why now we are moving on to a new phase."
Activists invited to the event said they hope the new council can achieve gains for migrants that were stymied by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, including a proposal by Fox and President Bush to legalize millions of undocumented migrants and grant more temporary work visas to Mexicans.
But some U.S. Latino activists who considered Hernandez's office a direct link to Fox were upset that Fox closed the office without consulting them first.
"For many in the Mexican community in the United States, it is impossible to accept an invitation to the installation of this council because the community was not consulted about the disappearance of the presidential office," Francisco Zamora Horta of the Atlanta-based group Casa Guanajuato said in a written statement.
Casa Guanajuato is a U.S. network of migrants from Fox's home state...
maria lurdes (not verified)
Sun, 05/14/2006 - 06:18
i agree with this article very much and i love that there is many quotes to back up your opinions :]
eh (not verified)
Tue, 02/21/2006 - 23:00
"unfair stereotypes"
For once I'd like them to be specific about which "stereotypes" are "unfair". Just once.