Canada signs "cyberhate" law, now as bad as China

Last week Canada joined Europe in fulfilling Orwell's nightmare: "Canada signs protocol to fight 'cyberhate'" (cnn . com/2005/WORLD/americas/07/08/canada.cybercrime.ap/). According to Canada's Justice Minister Irwin Cotler:

"No one country alone can combat racist hate, particularly cyberhate... This is an anonymous, borderless, faceless crime. We've gone from five hate sites on the Internet in 1995 to 5,000 in 2005. These are horrific sites. They're used for purposes of recruitment. They particularly target the young. It is predatory hate of the worst kind... We believe that incitement to hatred is the most proximate cause of terrorism itself. Therefore, if you're combating incitement to hatred, you're combating terrorism..."

I haven't read the law, but CNN defines "cyberhate" as "the online dissemination of xenophobic propaganda". All you need to do is look at all the times that "liberals" attempt to smear people and statements as "xenophobia" to see just how dangerous this is.

A note to my Canadian friends/mes amis Canadienne:
Welcome! Je vous encourage de lutter cette loi avec toutes votres forces! Dit <<non>> a la thoughtcrime!

Welcome! I encourage you to fight this law with all your might! Say "No" to thoughtcrime!

Bloggers and other may have to consider blocking Canadian access to their sites unless this is overturned.

(On a literally parenthetical note: If you want to see how bad G's SERPs suck, search for 'Orwell'. Wow. I ended up linking to WP since I didn't want to scroll any further down.)



And it's "mes amis Canadiens"

I'm not a native speaker of French, but I suggest "... lutter contre cette loi avec toutes vos forces. Dites "non" ...

More than one commentator has pointed out that this sort of thing is more evidence that the only way you can hold a multicultural, multiracial society together is via laws like this -- laws that more or less punish speech and thought.

You are seeing more of something similar now in Europe after the London bombings -- e.g. proposals to monitor and store telephone and internet usage records for up to two years.