Is the Old Mount Wilson Trail possessed?

Almost a year ago I described an outing up the Old Mount Wilson Trail above Sierra Madre during which I twisted my ankle.

On Saturday I hiked the same trail and on the way back I started a slow jog and I twisted my ankle yet again, just about 1/4 of a mile further away from civilization than the last time. Thankfully it wasn't as bad as the last time, and I might be able to take a hike tomorrow or Wednesday.

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Why would this happen twice in almost the same spot? There are other trails I take much more often and I occasionally do a slow or even a fast jog on them without a problem. Is this trail... possessed by anti-Lonewacko daemons?

Alternatively, it could be because:
* both these instances have occurred in gently sloped sections, so I don't concentrate as much as I do on steeper sections, and/or

* this section of the trail is shaded, making it somewhat more difficult to notice rocks and such, and/or

* I simply space out

Next time I go hiking there I'll be sure and pay more attention in the "easy" sections. Note, however, that there are steeper and rockier sections during which I make sure I don't space out. Fast jogging through those sections is quite entertaining.