Dueling over a scar
The TransTexas Corridor appears to be closer to reality:
AUSTIN - Farmers oppose it, metro area officials are upset about it and now state lawmakers have their own concerns about the Trans Texas Corridor, Gov. Rick Perry's $184 billion plan to build megahighways around the state.
While the Legislature would seem unlikely to put the brakes on Perry's ambitious transportation plan, lawmakers appear willing to start tinkering with policies regarding tolls, eminent domain and just how wide the corridor will be.
"Change brings about cause for concern," said Sen. Todd Staples, R-Palestine, chairman of the Senate Committee on Transportation and Homeland Security.
"We know there's a mobility crisis in Texas today," Staples said Wednesday. "The status quo won't do. Change must occur. We want change to occur in the most user-friendly manner as possible..."
The CSM states their opposition to this plan in "Supersized Highways". NPR has an interview with a Dallas Morning News reporter about it here.
Previous coverage is here. Especially see the links in the first comment, such as to CorridorWatch.