"If you've got nothing to hide, still be worried"

In line with the last post, here's a guest column in the Daily News that bears some similarity to an experience I had a couple years ago:

I opened my front door, and there before me were four -- count 'em -- four representatives of law enforcement, two LAPD detectives and two special agents from the State Department. Yes, that State Department. My hands shot up instinctively.

After being instructed to lower my hands, one of the detectives got down to business. "Were you on Wilshire Blvd. near La Cienega last week?" he asked.


"Were you taking photographs of a building?"


"Why were you photographing the building?"

I explained that I'm a business consultant, that I had just met with a client, and that I was photographing the building where his office was to use in his marketing materials...