Babage, Satanism style
...Let us examine this picture of this poor girl in some depth, for this tattooing and body piercing screams the Satanic values behind this picture. A former Satanist told me that this face is a "Road Map" and is carefully, intricately created. Notice the following elements:
* All-Seeing Eye in middle of the forehead resting within a reptilian type body. Each of the colors utilized on this All-Seeing Eye and on the rest of her face has specific meaning within the practice of ritual occultism, each with its own type of power...
* Notice the circular piercings above her eyes with the ball in the middle and along the bottom curvature of her chin; these are also "bondage loops" and are tied to specific demons, to whom she must be loyal...
Picture here. Site's main page here. Serious, or just a very complicated satire? You decide.