Tweets to Dieter Bohn

Dieter Bohn's avatar
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Dieter Bohn
San Francisco, CA
Executive Editor, The Verge. Tech commentary. Typos are intentional jokes I mean obviously.
Tweets to this user:
sai's avatar
From @29Asveryown
@backlon Not a Trump Fan. But its not a bad idea, isn't it?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@29Asveryown: Google's wife = 23AndMe. They'd love to have even more personal info, esp health. It's a horrific idea from that POV.
Dieter Bohn's avatar
From @backlon
They’re gonna just make Google create this thing beyond its initial plan to do a Bay Area pilot, aren’t they?
Brian Hurn's avatar
From @brianhurn
@backlon Google could make a testing location lookup page in a couple hours, but I'm sure this triage layer has to…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@brianhurn: if Trump intentionally claimed Google was doing something they aren't to make them do it, that's pretty slick, isn't it? If so, it's a lot smarter than those who enable @backlon clickbait zingers which have never held Trump accountable in any way.
Dieter Bohn's avatar
From @backlon
aaaaaand there it is, Google wasn't even expecting its name to be mentioned today
Steve St. Germain »'s avatar
From @stevestgermain
@backlon Per @CNBC Pichai (in internal memo): "a planning effort is underway to use the expertise in life sciences…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@stevestgermain: what do you expect from the likes of @backlon? Their clickbait is all impotent zingers against Trump. We need Trump to be held accountable. That means engaging him/his proxies in real debate about real issues. No one in the media has the smarts or patriotism.