Tweets to Hussein Ibish

Hussein Ibish's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Hussein Ibish
Washington, DC
Senior Resident Scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington - @GulfStatesInst, weekly columnist for @bopinion & @TheNationalUAE, etc.
Tweets to this user:
Michael Tomasky's avatar
From @mtomasky
New Column: Adam Schiff is an American patriot; Senate Republicans are like the Eastern European communists of the…
Hussein Ibish's avatar
From @Ibishblog
@mtomasky @thedailybeast Absolutely right
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Ibishblog: Trump's 2016 immigration plan was basically the Flake-Guttierez amnesty. That's an open goal, but those like you & @mtomasky have only shown yourselves adept at own goals. Do you have any sense of shame or sense of pride in doing a good job?
Hussein Ibish's avatar
From @Ibishblog
Excellent by @michaeldweiss
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Nothing either of you says will have any impact on what Trump does; you're just shaking your fists at clouds. Start small: see if you can first figure out how to show "12d chess" wrong. MT @Ibishblog [hypes @michaeldweiss blog claiming Trump's Syria move will help ISIS grow]
Hussein Ibish's avatar
From @Ibishblog
Thanks to ⁦@ErinBanco⁩ and ⁦@woodruffbets⁩ - two of the very best - for quoting me in this ⁦⁦@dailybeast⁩ story: T…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
To you they're great: they quoted you. What about the rest of us? Name one thing - no matter how minor - where they've negatively impacted Trump. MT @Ibishblog Thanks to ⁦@ErinBanco⁩ and ⁦@woodruffbets⁩ - two of the very best - for quoting me in this ⁦⁦#dailybeast⁩ story