SPOD: Strange Pet of the Day

Herewith a new series, inspired by the ferret-owning Libertarian candidate for CA Lieutenant Governor.

Today's SPOD: Triops.

Introduction here:

Triops grow as large as most freshwater community fish and they do so in a day to day manner that always amazes. Their behavior is as interesting as almost any fish and they do engage in those "aqua-batics" as Triops, Inc. claims on their packaging. Their Klingon behavior with one another also never ceases to entertain. Nothing like watching one of your triops parade happily about the tank carrying the head of one of its dead comrades like some bizarre trophy while it cannibalizes it to bring a lump to your throat. They are easy to care for and maintain, plus they require a minimum of equipment and space. Unlike fish, you don't need to get anyone to take care of the tank when you leave town for a month - just drain it and refill it when you get back to start the process over again.

Other pages from that author here. Pics of triops here. Vids here.