66% of Arizonans support PAN
In 66% in state favor anti-migrant issue the Arizona Republic reports strong support for the Protect Arizona Now initiative. PAN would attempt to reduce illegal immigration. It would also attempt to end voter fraud by requiring voters to prove they're U.S. citizens. It has "widespread support across party lines" in the poll conducted by the newspaper. According to the poll, "Republicans favor the measure by an 8-1 ratio and Democrats favor it by an almost 3-1 ratio." And, "91 percent of those surveyed favored Proposition 200's requirement that individuals submit evidence of U.S. citizenship when registering to vote."
The article also lists a few of the organizations opposed to PAN:
Arizona Chamber of Commerce
Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association
Arizona Interfaith Network
Phoenix Firefighters Union
Service Employees International Union
This is good news on the poll, but it's bad news on the Left and Right working against the rest of us front. Note that John McCain is also going to be an anti-PAN spokesman.
And, if you'd like to complain about the "anti-migrant" headline, please send a polite email to:
John S Bolton (not verified)
Fri, 09/10/2004 - 21:39
They make it sound as if the honest citizens are oppressing the helpless migrants, wanting them to stay chained to their places in mexico. It is actually the migrants who commit aggression against our borders, and against the net taxpayer by going on net public subsidy. The big lie technique often works by stating the reverse of the truth, such as referring to murderers as victims, or pretending that Poland invaded Germany in 1939.