Fanboys and fangirls at the convention

Can you spot what's wrong with the following TalkLeft post?

Wednesday night, just before John Edwards spoke, a group of bloggers were invited to interview Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL). We jumped at the chance since we think Durbin has introduced some of the best legislation in the past year and opposed some of the worst...

Here were the questions I wanted to ask him:

1. How will a Kerry Administration be better than a bush administration on civil liberties?

2. On the detainees--are you satisfied with the Bush Administration's proposals for military tribunals? Can the detainees get a fair trial?

3. What qualities will a Kerry Attorney General have that John Ashcroft lacks?

There'd be more spirited questioning at a StarTrek convention.

"Mr. Spiner, wouldn't you agree that Captain Kirk laid down the rules for future Starfleet captains and engaged (twitters from audience) new civilizations in ways that led to the Prime Directive that Captain Picard was simply forced to abide by? In summation, can't we all agree that Captain Kirk was a much more important captain in the broader Starfleet context?

In other fanboy news, Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds alerts us to a blogger supposedly having been fired by the DNCC because he wasn't fawning enough to Barack Obama.

Here is the offending post:

Barack Obama came in and gave a little speech to the bloggers at the Blogger breakfast. To be honest, I don't get the big deal. I've seen him speak a few times. He seems very charismatic, but I have yet to cross that bridge with him where I feel like he's saying anything really interesting or useful. He's a lot like Edwards - charismatic and demographically useful for the Democrats. But is there there there?

At this later post, the blogger says:

I am a volunteer and I didn't get fired. We decided that after the Convention started I wouldn't post to the DNCC blog (I had been using it somewhat to help coordinate the blogging component) so that I could post freely to my own. I'm a bit puzzled by the whole story, actually because we still have a great relationship and I'm still helping out the credentialled bloggers...

Geez Louise, all they had to do was just top up his Kool-Aid and he would have been fine.

UPDATE: TalkLeft partially redeems herself with some reportage. Regarding the other photo collection linked to in the first comment: the photos are OK, but the comments provided are just the flip-side to the trick some non-"liberal" bloggers use of going to "peace" protests and only taking pictures of the freaks. You know who you are.