Lonewacko predicts...
Posted Thu, Apr 15, 2004 at 5:22 pm ยท short link
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Predictions made at 4/15/04 8pm PST:
- a poll will be held in Europe: "should Europe accept OBL offer of peace?"
33% will answer :yes"; 50% will answer "NO"; 17% will be undecided
- "peace" groups in the U.S. - including A.N.S.W.E.R. and NION - will formally announce their request for a peace agreement with OBL.
- "liberals" close to being (truly) mainstream "liberals" will allude to OBL's offer; the idea that OBL wants peace and can be dealt with will start at the far left and slowly work its way towards "mainstream" liberals.
(See also 'Dean Wheeler on the Spanish elections')