Tweets to Amy Roberts

Amy Roberts's avatar
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Amy Roberts
United States
Lover of life, Democracy, free speech and saving our earth and our precious animals
Tweets to this user:
Resistance is Duty ๐Ÿ†˜'s avatar
From @pseudosudio
RT @IresistTrumps: @renato_mariotti Whatโ€™s fair is having a real president. Fair immigration policies. Fair to have someone in the WH who iโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@pseudosudio @IresistTrumps: @renato_mariotti wants "fair immigration policies". Think that through. That means low-wage labor for USChamber, WalMart, Koch bros, McDonald's, Western Growers, sweatshops, etc. etc. Renato knows where the money is & it's not labor. #TheResistance
Kaz Weida's avatar
From @kazweida
Who could have possibly foreseen these consequences? Oh, right. EVERYONE.
Amy Roberts's avatar
From @IresistTrumps
@kazweida I called it a year ago. This is criminal!!
misanthropic anthropologist's avatar
From @omnamaste
@IresistTrumps @kazweida It might seem criminal at first. But there are plenty of people who need jobs and are willโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Indeed. Those who help crooked growers - some of the scummiest people around - import a foreign serf class are not liberals. #resist MT @omnamaste ..there are plenty of people who need jobs and are willing to work. And we need to provide them with a fair working wage.