"Raids on illegal workers drop"
This article is from December 1, 2003, but it's still quite timely given the promises that after this amnesty we'll finally enforce the laws we should have been enforcing all along:
When federal agents swept into Wal-Marts across the country and arrested 245 floor cleaners they were reviving an increasingly rare practice.
Politics and economics weaned the federal government from workplace crackdowns of illegal employees years ago. The government has busted steadily fewer employers and arrested fewer illegal employees since the late 1990s, according to federal immigration data.Immigration officials often attribute the marked decline in workplace enforcement to a new focus on national security, saying that agents who once raided restaurant kitchens and construction sites have been reassigned to airports and nuclear plants.
But, in fact, the decline began four years before Sept. 11, 2001, as the frenetic economy drew foreign nationals into bottom-rung jobs Americans wouldn't take, and as federal immigration policy-makers focused on deporting criminals and fortifying the U.S.-Mexico border.
On some occasions when agents did swoop in, lawmakers howled to protect important business constituencies...
Bush/Ridge/Rove/Fox promise that this time, after this one last final amnesty, they will finally enforce the laws. No, really.
Except, even if they mean it (which I doubt), the same howls will be heard from the same people, and the same lack of enforcement will ensue. We'll still have illegal aliens. In fact, we'll have even more as millions move to the U.S. in expectation of the next amnesty (otherwise known as the one last final amnesty).