"Immigrants blamed for crime"

From the Arizona Republic:

Ads blaming illegal immigration for higher crime rates began airing this week in the Valley in an effort to sway public opinion before Arizona's Feb. 3 Democratic presidential primary. [MP3 available here --LW]

Some Hispanic leaders call the ads racist and are considering some kind of counterattack, while conservative groups believe the media spots are needed to decrease immigration and therefore reduce crime and an influx of immigrant labor.

One ad began airing on television and radio stations in the Phoenix market on Monday and will continue through the month. It cites an increase in homicide and home invasion rates and states, "Police say it's caused by illegal immigration."

Edmundo Hidalgo, chief operating officer for Valley-based Chicanos por la Causa, said his organization is discussing waging a campaign to counter the anti-immigration message...

...The Phoenix ad is part of a national media campaign to galvanize public support against any program that would make it easier for immigrants to work in the United States and any form of amnesty for undocumented immigrants already living here, said Roy Beck, a spokesman for the Washington, D.C.-based Coalition United for a Secure America...

..."In my eyes, it's real tunnel vision on those people's part," said Maricopa County Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox (email: mrwilcox@mail.maricopa.gov), whose district includes central and southwest Phoenix. "We have a president bringing immigration out of the dark. . . . I think they're very racist."

I listened to the radio ad, and I don't know what Supervisor Wilcox is talking about. The ads discuss illegal immigrants committing crimes. Perhaps the facts and figures in the ads are wrong, however I didn't hear anything racist in the ad. Unless, simply discussing one of the many downsides of massive illegal immigration is considered racist in and of itself. She seems to think bringing the subject of immigration out of the shadows is a good thing, why doesn't she want to discuss all sides of the issue?

I've sent her an email asking her to say specifically what is racist about the ads. If I receive a reply, I'll print it in a future post.

I also note that the Arizona Republic reporters or their editors have made some errors in the story that might lead some people to misunderstand this issue. I've emboldened the mistakes above.

For instance, the article uses the phrase "immigrant labor" three times, yet in fact what is being referred to is not laborers who are in general immigrants, but laborers who are illegal immigrants. A story that is factually correct would make that distinction.

Other phrases are used incorrectly as well:

  • "decrease immigration"
  • "immigrant labor" (three times)
  • "anti-immigration message"
  • "immigration issue"
  • "undocumented immigrants" (twice)

And, of course, the title of the story is inaccurate and prejudicial. "Immigrants" aren't being blamed for crime, "illegal immigrants" are.

Further, I doubt whether Roy Beck is opposed to programs "that would make it easier for immigrants to work in the United States." I suspect he said that he was opposed to programs that would make it easier for illegal immigrants to work in the United States.

There is a big difference between those two statements; leaving out the word "illegal" in this case tends to prejudice the reader against Mr. Beck.

I also sent an email to editors at the Arizona Republic (Ward Bushee ward.bushee@arizonarepublic.com, Jeff Dozbaba jeff.dozbaba@arizonarepublic.com, Randy Lovely randy.lovely@arizonarepublic.com) suggesting they review this article, especially the supposed quote from Roy Beck, printing an update as necessary.
