My depression is just getting worse and worse
I've been very depressed lately. There are various reasons for it. I think I've handled it fairly well, but it's probably become a bit evident on this blog that there's a problem.
A lot of things seem to have come to a head lately. First, no other bloggers want to meet me on my travels. And, I just found out that LunaNina doesn't live in Texas like I thought, and I actually drove through her area a couple weeks ago. And, I feel quite a bit like a fish out of water here in the South. Another reason I'm depressed is that I've spent a lot of money on this trip, and I haven't really got a lot out of it. Some of those expenses have really taken their toll. For instance, I had a brake job done in Maine and not only did that cost a bit of money, now I'm beginning to doubt that they did even a slightly passable job because the brakes on my car seem to be having big problems lately.
I'm very depressed and despondent, and I don't know what I'm going to do.
Even hiking - one of my favorite activities - doesn't bring me much joy any more. I realize it's a bit foolish to hike during hunting season, and I don't even have an orange vest or anything, but I need to keep hiking in order to try in vain to chase the blues away. Part of me knows I should go to Wal*Mart and get an orange vest, but the rest of me doesn't care anymore.
This blog is depressing me as well. I don't know if I'm going to keep blogging. I might stop blogging tomorrow. If you never hear from me again, perhaps it's for the best.
(I'd also like to send a personal message to my lawyer and to Melrose Larry Green: if that email I sent to you did go through, I want to make it clear that I've since changed my mind. Everything I wrote about in that email regarding Arkansas and the Clintons was completely false, and I wrote it in the pits of my depression. I really didn't know what I was writing.
Also, if anybody saw the post that used to be in this space, I want to stress that I deleted that post because it was all completely false. Corruption does not grow here "like the scrawny weeds by the side of the highway." This state does not need a thorough "bush hogging" in order to get rid of rampant sleaze and corruption. Sleaze does not "hang heavy in the air here like the 80% humidity on 80 degree days." All those statements were false. Arkansas is the most corruption-free state in the union. And, to answer the "joke" I posted earlier, you get one of the most beautiful and talented young ladies in America today, and words like "sleazy" and "corrupt" are relative.
Contrary to what I wrote in my earlier post, I'm not going to Mena. I'm a "happy features" blogger, just like my idol Huell Howser. I am not an investigative reporter. What was I thinking, I wonder!
Further, I provided this link out of a mistaken belief that it might have some truth. I've since discovered it for the paranoid rantings of a lunatic that they are.
Also, if you're one of the people that I spoke with while I was in Arkansas, please get in touch with me immediately. I'd like to apologize for wasting your time with my pesky questions about things no one cares about and with my factually incorrect imaginings. Even if I spoke with you about something that seemed at the time to be insignificant, please get in touch ASAP. If I sent you an email, a letter, a package, or telephoned you, or otherwise communicated with you in any fashion whatsoever, please get in touch as well. It's very important that you send me an email so I can apologize. Also, please get in touch if you saw the earlier post that I've since deleted. I want to apologize to each and every one of you personally.)
Howard Owens (not verified)
Mon, 11/17/2003 - 20:43
Huell Howser rocks.
inakappeh (not verified)
Tue, 11/04/2003 - 20:33
Come on Mr. Lonewacko, don't get depressed now. Since I'm not a blogger you won't want to meet me, but I've been following your entire trip...and you were even linked to LA Observed today. Hooray! Nice pic while in Goddess-land, by the way. Regards.