Sometimes laughing at a crazy person only makes matters worse

Diane Ravitch, author of the book The Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn, has an article in the WSJ giving some examples of those wacky multi-culti cultists at work, and offering a solution:

A freelance writer sent me the "bias guidelines" for a major publisher of texts and tests. The "bias guidelines" consist of advice to writers and editors about words and topics that must be avoided, as well as specifications for illustrations. Like other publishers, this one requires adherence to gender and ethnic balance. All lessons, test questions, and illustrations must reflect the following ratios: 50-50 male-female; 45% Caucasian; 25% African American; 22% Hispanic American; 5% Asian American; 5% American Indian and others; and 3% "persons with disabilities." These figures do not total 100%, nor do they represent actual U.S. Census numbers, but the principle of representation is well understood by writers and editors. American society, as represented in the textbooks, is perfectly integrated by race, ethnicity, gender, age, and disability...

The specifications for photographs, I have learned, are exquisitely detailed. Men and boys must not be larger than women and girls. Asians must not appear as shorter than non-Asians. Women must wear bras, and men must not have noticeable bulges below the waist. People must wear shoes and socks, never showing bare feet or the soles of shoes, and their shoelaces must be solid black, brown, or white. People must never gesture with their fingers, nor should anyone be depicted eating with the left hand. Things to avoid: holiday decorations and scenes in which a church or a bar appears in the background...

And of one thing I am convinced: The widespread censorship of language and ideas in education caused by the demands of advocacy groups will not end unless it is regularly exposed to public review and ridicule. The next time someone in a publishing office or a state education agency suggests deleting a literary passage from a test or textbook because it contains the word "anchorman" or shows a witch flying around on a broomstick, perhaps someone in the room will say, "Wait, if we do that, people will laugh at us."

I and many others have been laughing at these assholes for years, and it hasn't done a bit of good. Like Pod People, they just keep coming and coming and self-replicating.

While millions of people joining to ridicule them would be fairly effective, the PC assholes would just circle their wagons, and their supporters would rise to their defense. Even if one set of assholes were no longer able to spew for fear of being ridiculed, another set would spring up to replace it.

Ridicule is a big step in the right direction, but it isn't enough.

The entire multi-culti cult must be completely extirpated and its fields salted. Their movement must be completely and utterly discredited. They must be declared to be delusional and treated like crazy people. Anyone who continues to support them must be marginalized and compared with them.

And, their funding must be cut. A reduction in PC university courses and programs. Schoolbooks similar to those mentioned above must be boycotted. Other economic measures must be taken to ensure that this is a most unprofitable movement. If that means giving these mental midgets make-work jobs where they can't do any harm, consider the alternative.

OK, I sound a little Coulter-esque in the foregoing. But, believe me, they'll either just brush off ridicule, or it will even make them stronger by appealing to their persecution complex and sense of utter self-righteousness.