Repeal the 22nd Amendment?
Posted Thu, May 29, 2003 at 1:43 pm
As pointed out in the comments to the post "Clinton Wants Change in Presidential Term Limits", there's a bill currently in the House to repeal the 22nd Amendment, thereby allowing presidents to serve more than two terms. Here are the sponsors:
Mr. HOYER - Democrat
Mr. HYDE - Republican
Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts - Democrat
Mr. SENSENBRENNER - Republican
Mr. BERMAN - Democrat
Mr. SABO - Democrat
Mr. PALLONE - Democrat
Mr. SERRANO - Democrat
Despite most of them being Dems, what little response this generated has come mainly from the left, and it's been negative. As of this date, the bill is in the Subcommittee on the Constitution.
david smith (not verified)
Mon, 05/24/2004 - 02:44
the 22nd should just be repeald becouse if we get a good president we should be able to elect him untill he dosent run
Justene (not verified)
Thu, 05/29/2003 - 16:28
I saw this news piece and thought about blogging about it but the thought of another Clinton term was so disturbing that I decided denial was better.