The L.A. Times, the DREAM Act, and a jolly good Fisking
A recent L.A. Times' editorial on Orrin Hatch's DREAM Act (which would give lower college tuition to illegal aliens than to U.S. citizens*) gets a good Fisking here:
...I have no problem with the idea of liberalizing citizenship laws, in and of itself, though again that is the province of the federal government, not the states. I have a huge problem with rewarding people who flout the law by pretending they are "citizens," particularly when their faux "citizenship" gets them privileges that are not available to immigrants who obey our laws, or even to U.S. citizens who recently moved from another state.
My posts on the DREAM Act and related bills start here.
Let me say that again: Hatch and Durbin want U.S. citizens to pay higher tuition than illegal aliens.
peter (not verified)
Wed, 10/22/2003 - 11:06
I don't like an amnesty for all illegal immigrants. That is just not right. However, I would prefer a student amnesty. Individuals who cannot obtain a degree always, always blame others who are able to... An illegal student who has a BS or BA, An American citizen who is just an educational loser. Who is more valuable to our society...
Jump4Joy (not verified)
Thu, 10/16/2003 - 11:57
I hate ignorance, and when I read it, it makes me want to slap the ignoramous. I'm not saying I'm smarter than anyone but to assume that all illegal imigration comes from Mexico and that they don't pay taxes is ignorance (Big[Ignorant]). Do your eff'n homework and stop listenig to racist fools who love to tell you (ignorant) people what to think. I'm not asking for anyone agree with me, but don't hide your racism behind your walets, because if you had some education you would come to find that illegal immigrants help the United States' economy. Like it or not!
Guera (not verified)
Wed, 10/15/2003 - 20:38
To BigDaddy, American as well as undocumented people pay taxes. Undocumented people don't live in America for free.
BigDaddy (not verified)
Mon, 10/13/2003 - 05:42
All illegals should be deported. American taxpayers should not be paying for education for illegal aliens. Mexico should take care of its own people.
john DOE (not verified)
Fri, 10/10/2003 - 22:43
You Know why I call myself John DOE because I was one of those kids that was brougt to this beautiful country when I was just a KID and with great effort I was able to get a career and now 22 years later, married and with 3 beautiful children born here, the immigration laws decide to give me deportation. I feel like a JOHN DOE, I hardly know my native language and don't know the place where I was born. Any one you put your self in my shoes. How about that great hero that went to fight for our country (US) and is now facing deportation. Now tell me if immigration laws are not all wacked out, after all everyone is an immigrant. Let's get our legislators to FIX WHAT'S BROKE!!!!!!!!
Shayla jackson (not verified)
Thu, 10/09/2003 - 05:46
I am angry that some people could be so insensitive. I have a friend who was brought to this country illegally at the age of six. She didn't even know she was here illeaglly until she wanted to get a driver's permit and her parents informed her that she couldn't because she didn't have any documentation. This girl started first grade here and is now the president of the honor society at her school. She is an outstanding student and volunteers for numerous charitable organizations. She speaks english withoout an accent and just because she was brougght here though no fault of her own she is to be punished? She can't drive, have a bank account, work or even have any form of identification. It is really sad that the government wants to punish my friend and people like her who would otherwise be an asset to society
Edgar (not verified)
Fri, 10/03/2003 - 12:29
To the American Citizens:
If you had the power to make the police appear at any time and at any place with just a thought, and you saw a corner store being robbed would you make the police appear right then and there? Would you make justice appear and help the store clerk not get robbed by placing the police right at the door of the store? Or would you not do it because it simply was not your store or your problem. Or because you thought it was not fair that you did not own a store yourself?
These kids were brought to this country unwillingly. It was not their was not my choice. But now they live here and call the U.S. their home. Some don
yeni (not verified)
Fri, 09/26/2003 - 16:44
Students who were brought here at a young age, did not choose to enter the United States illegally. Many of these children do not realize they are violating immigration laws. It is not until they reach that age when they find themselves thinking of their future. They dedicate their whole life to do well in school and dominate the English language. It is only fair to get some opportunity to get a higher education. They are residents of the state these colleges or universities belong to, they are graudates of high schools of that city or state.
yeni (not verified)
Fri, 09/26/2003 - 16:43
Students who were brought here at a young age, did not choose to enter the United States illegally. Many of these children do not realize they are violating immigration laws. It is not until they reach that age when they find themselves thinking of their future. They dedicate their whole life to do well in school and dominate the English language. It is only fair to get some opportunity to get a higher education. They are residents of the state these colleges or universities belong to, they are graudates of high schools of that city or state.
Molly (not verified)
Wed, 04/30/2003 - 14:18
There was a bill passed last session in the California Legislature which allowed ILLEGALS to pay the same amount tution rate as that of a California State resident. However if you're from the other 49 and want to go to a UC or State school you fork out more for out of state.
It's insanity at its finest...
Noel Rojo (not verified)
Thu, 02/19/2009 - 15:28
HS 10348 2009-02-19T17:28:08-06:00
There is those that had no judgment in there parents decisions to come across the border, why should they be blamed as if they did, as if there ability to make abstract decisions at the age of ten where available. There is those that blame the parents. “I feel that many illegal immigrants are taking full control over this issue (see "DREAM Act Becoming Major Mid-Term Battleground" Sept. 21). If this young man has attended public school in the United States and his parents have not applied for full citizenship, then he should fault his parents. In actuality, he and his family have been in America well over the time needed to be awarded full citizenship, so what was the delay?(Acres, Mary G.)” Yet truly why should anyone get punish because of someone else’s actions, why should they wear the burden of carrying the cross for the rest of their life. Where are they to go? Into the unknown? Because in reality that is exactly where they are destined, into a country they have seldom knowledge of. Are we truly regressing to the Socratic times where “Justice was what was is the interest of the stronger party(Trasymachus)” has it not been corrected , does it not only apply when it’s truly on the party’s interest? Is in your interest to put into halt someone else’s life.