"Rally backs green cards for immigrant students"
This article is yet another in the long line of stories about illegal aliens who want a better deal than even U.S. citizens get.
In the entire article, the word "illegal" only appears once, and it's in the only paragraph that makes any sense:
Steven Camarota, research director for the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, said he opposes the bill because granting permanent residency to undocumented immigrants would encourage more illegal immigration.
Email addresses: ward.bushee@arizonarepublic.com, randy.lovely@arizonarepublic.com, lindsey.collom@arizonarepublic.com, Daniel.Gonzalez@arizonarepublic.com
Here's an editorial about this from the Fresno Bee:
Fortunately, some federal lawmakers from both parties see a problem that must be fixed.
It would be more fortunate if they would solve this problem in a manner consistent with our current laws.
You can reach the editorial's author at jesparza@vidaenelvalle.com staff@fresnobee.com
Alex (not verified)
Tue, 11/01/2005 - 08:15
I agree with most of you guys, although I am not an illegal immigant student I've seen many cases were students were brought here when they were little. No one asked them if they wanted to come and start a new life here. Many of these illegal students face many obstacles but they overcome them, the toughest one af all is not knowing english, later on they become experts in the subject. Also there are many citizen students who drop out before finishing high school and they don't even take advantage of the aid that the government offers you. I personally have some citizen friends who I try to encourage to go to college but they don't want to. In the contrary my illegal friends go to college with me. I think that every one deserves a chance to succeed, it's just up to you to choose what you want to do. Have in mind that these illegal students in the future will contribute to the nation's economy once they become someone professional.I really hope for you guys and for my friends that the Dream Act stops being a dream and becomes a reality.
elisa (not verified)
Fri, 10/14/2005 - 09:32
I think they should pass the dream act because we are the future for the usa and not many of the us citizens now days do what theyre really suppose to they are not taking advantage of what they can do and people that want to succeed in life have to struggle to get an act passed.
Oswaldo (not verified)
Thu, 09/01/2005 - 15:11
Yessica (not verified)
Wed, 08/31/2005 - 14:08
I believe and know from personal experience that the DREAM ACT would fulill the dreams and hopes of MANY people who were brought here against their will for a "better" life. A life were their opinions and beliefs don't matter to anyone. A place where they have worked and graduated from high school only to see their future truncated before it even began. Many of these students are great students and responsible citizens who would only contribute to this contry!!!!! It is frustrating to live in a country founded by immigrants and know that you as an immigrant are looked at as a life treatning disease. PLEASE!!!!! If you can do anything to make this come true, support it!!! It would open many doors to students who really deserve it. SI SE PUEDE!!!!
d_future (not verified)
Wed, 08/17/2005 - 14:15
I breath a sigh of releive as I read this page. I was brought here along with my brother and sister at the age of 6. My mother was getting away from my abusive sperm donner (biological father)and was conviced by my grandparents, who were already living here, to come to the "land of opportunities" We came here legally and overstayed our visa. I am now 21 yrs old and clueless and sometimes hopeless about my situation. I attended Elementary, Middle, and Highschool here in the Untied states. I was always an A student and was filled with joy when I received my reportcard. I always thought to myself "I'm going places if I keep my grades up" Well I did keep my grades up, but I'm not going anywhere. It wasn't unitl Highschool when I began to worry about what would happen after I graduated. I graduated top 10% of my class with a 3.8 GPA. As heartbroken as I was, I realized that I would have to put my dream to attend college on hold because I didn't qualify for the many scholarships I could have had thanks to my academic excellence. I am now working as a receptionist and taking long distance classes for Acounting. I have an Associate's degree and I am working on by Bachelor's. I was able to take these classes because they are offered to national as well as internatioal students, so they do not ask for proof of legal status. I don't want to give up on my dream or lose touch with school, and that is why I am taking this long distance program. But sometimes I ask myself, what am I going to do with my degree if I can't practice here in this country. My situtuation is really taking a toll on me to the point . There must be a way to make my dream come true. And why not? Most people who are against illegal immigration are only thinking about the ones who are crossing the border NOW. But do they ever wonder about the children who were brought up in this country? The ones who, like me, grew up with sesame street, barney, who learned how to recite the Pledge of Alligence and the Star Spangled Banner? The ones who consider this land their home, but have no piece of paper stating this so? The ones who DO NOT want to be a burden on this country, yet are being pushed to do so. This generation of Hispanics (Note that I mean all people of hispanic decent, not only Mexicans as some ignorant racist people classify us)ARE EDUCATED. We speak the English language perfectly and have not lost tuch with our roots which means that we can also speak, write and read fluent Spanish. A bilingual person is more valuable than one who only speaks one language. I now want to persue a carrier in dentistry and I pray to my lord above that one day, with his will and power will let it be. Thankyou for this page, It makes me feel better to know that there is an intelligent youth waiting to become something positive to this society and life. God will never let you carry a cross hevier than you can bear. Believe and trust in his devine power. Dios aprieta pero no aorca.
haytham (not verified)
Tue, 07/26/2005 - 11:32
we need ascholership to complet study masters in psychology
Herty (not verified)
Sat, 06/25/2005 - 10:16
I am in the shoes as everyone here so please keep me posted on this student DREAM ACT. Thanks to all abd by Gods grace it will get better one day.
Ali (not verified)
Tue, 06/07/2005 - 03:57
I've taught overseas in the Middle East for several years. Why is it "fair" for your parents to bring you here illegally, have you educated at taxpayer expense, and for my foreign students to have to jump through immigration hoops and pay foreign student tuition IF they can get into U.S. schools? And now you think you ought to get a subsidized college education, legal status and a chance at citizenship BECAUSE YOU AND YOUR PARENTS HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL AT BREAKING THE LAW?!!
Bb (not verified)
Tue, 05/24/2005 - 05:52
I hope that the people who are opposing the Dream Act would think about it a second time. I wrote this poem in support of the Dream Act
and hope this can help in changing the mind of those who are opposing the bill.
To turn a dream into a future,
To turn a dream into a reality,
One must overcome the fears that the demands
Will not be granted
That the dream will be not become a reality
And one will be lost by giving up so early.
Therefore, we still have a dream
A dream that someday
A dream that somehow
As the sons and daughters of the Father
We will be giving the chance
The opportunity to turn the Dream into a reality.
We still have a dream
We stumble on our words
In fears to be caught in the midst of controversies.
We want to give up
But the Dream comes
To keep us alive
To revive our hopes
To strenghen every inches of our bodies.
We still have a Dream
We do not ask for a reward
We do not ask for money
But all we ask for is
A chance to turn a dream
Our Dream into a future
A future which seems gone
A future which seems taken away by mistake.
We still have a Dream
A dream that someday
A dream that somehow
The courage to forgive
And make a difference
Will be given to all of God's children
And Democracy will be known by all.
Thanks for your effort to change the Future.
Joenny (not verified)
Thu, 05/05/2005 - 13:56
I honestly never knew that there was a page that was dedicated to "US". I'm starting to worry now because i'm a junior in high school, i've only been here 6 years, but i've worked my hardest to get a scholarship and up until now i'm not doing so bad. I have a 4.2 GPA, and i passed the FCAT with a really high score. I have 800 community service hours and i just don't think its fair that people who haven't passed the FCAT and who are getting really bad grades in school have the opportunity to get a scholarship and go to college free when i have been working really hard and i'm not even considered. We need to do something, i dont think that with so many people who have the same opinion and we still can't do anything to help ourselves. We're not terrorists, so why is the congress and the president so scare of us?
Angela (not verified)
Thu, 05/05/2005 - 12:12
Hey guys hows it going?
Im doin this project on the "dream act" and if should be passed or not. Im a U.S. citezin but i consider myself 100% Mexican because my parents are mexicans. I was givin the oppurtunity of havin my social security number and im gunna be able to go to college and get financial help and when iwas readin all of the stuff u guys wrote i felt so guilty for heving what i have while people who have dreams just liek mine can get it because of the stupidity of others. i dont see any harm in trying to progress and it make me mad that we have people in this world who are more worried about a stupid number then the progress of all our young people legal or not. I mean take a look around...isnt the Mexicans or should i say the Hispanics the ones who take jobs that are hard and arent paid well...do we really take jobs?...NO! we get what there is we do the jobs that the "Americans" cant do ,wont do! We come to work and progress not to get the governments money. we cant even get welfare ....we actually work for what we get...if u ask me the one who is gettin robbed is the non-citizens...why? because we pay taxes and we dont even have the right to do our incomes taxes and get any money back so what we give the government they get to keep..ALL OF IT! I am so for this DREAM ACT..cuz we all have the freedom to dream therefore we should have the right to make our dreams come true...
i got luck ..in a way..and am able to go to college and get financial help...i have my paper cuz i was born in the US but i still noe were im from and ill never forget my roots...im all for helpin u guys...
write more stuff cuz i would sure like to show all these "gringos" what they are holdin back from us....ill make this paper good and dont loose hope cuz that Act will be passed and if u give up then the whole purpose would be defeated....Arriba la Raza y no se rajen!
Yessica (not verified)
Thu, 03/17/2005 - 13:19
I was always taught to be a normal person to follow laws, and to respect everyone the same... so why is that immigrants, whether they came to the U.S with a visa in hand or not should be given soo many limitations. "Every man is created equal"... atleast thats what we were taught. The dream act would be the best thing to happen to graduating high school students...please some body do something.
Delis (not verified)
Thu, 03/10/2005 - 19:40
I would like to commend you for such a great job. I hope that you are all proud of your great work. I want to thank you for your honesty, and also because your words educate other people. I am a researcher at Arizona State University. I am studying undocumented students and their perceptions of the Dream Act.
I have sent some emails to individual people but most of them have bounced. I hope that most of you will continue to visit the website so that we can have an online community of sorts. If you are interested in sharing your story and participating in my study please email at dream_act_now@yahoo.com
Best of luck to all of you,
Viridiana (not verified)
Thu, 03/10/2005 - 03:47
Im in the same position, i
Anahi (not verified)
Mon, 02/21/2005 - 10:53
well I just have to say that is incredible that there are alot of students with this problem and that it will be unfair that the congress didn't accept the DREAM ACT
We have the same dreams and goals as any US citizes. Is not our fault that our parents brought us when we were little. We can make this coutry a better one, and immigrants are the ones that make the hard work of this country. So we are not asking for something FREE. Our parents have worked so hard for us to have a better life, so why the government has to destry our dreams??
Please pass the word to other students and lets pray for this DREAM ACT!!
Love Ya
Anahi (not verified)
Mon, 02/21/2005 - 10:50
well I just have to say that is incredible that there are alot of students with this problem and that it will be unfair that the congress didn't accept the DREAM ACT
We have the same dreams and goals as any US citizes. Is not our fault that our parents brought us when we were little. We can make this coutry a better one, and immigrants are the ones that make the hard work of this country. So we are not asking for something FREE. Our parents have worked so hard for us to have a better life, so why the government has to destry our dreams??
Please pass the word to other students and lets pray for this DREAM ACT!!
Love Ya
Nikki (not verified)
Sat, 01/22/2005 - 17:05
I came to the US when I was young, leaving behind four sisters, one brother, and wonderful parents. I had no clue that I would never be able to see them again. I graduated high school in 2004, but now I don't even know what to do. It's like living in fear each day. I feel guilty of something that was out of my control. I wish the goverment would realize that our status is not our fault. We are not criminals, if anything I volunteer to help the community each year. Now I can't even find a good job, go to college, be able to drive, or be able to see my family. I thought America was for freedom and opportunity, but I guess I was wrong. Before reading everyones comments, I thought I was the only one in this position, but it gives me comfort that someone else is going through the same problems as me. I hope someone listens to all of us. God Bless.
Nikki (not verified)
Sat, 01/22/2005 - 17:04
I came to the US when I was young, leaving behind four sisters, one brother, and wonderful parents. I had no clue that I would never be able to see them again. I graduated high school in 2004, but now I don't even know what to do. It's like living in fear each day. I feel guilty of something that was out of my control. I wish the goverment would realize that our status is not our fault. We are not criminals, if anything I volunteer to help the community each year. Now I can't even find a good job, go to college, be able to drive, or be able to see my family. I thought America was for freedom and opportunity, but I guess I was wrong. Before reading everyones comments, I thought I was the only one in this position, but it gives me comfort that someone else is going through the same problems as me. I hope someone listens to all of us. God Bless.
Nikki (not verified)
Sat, 01/22/2005 - 17:04
I came to the US when I was young, leaving behind four sisters, one brother, and wonderful parents. I had no clue that I would never be able to see them again. I graduated high school in 2004, but now I don't even know what to do. It's like living in fear each day. I feel guilty of something that was out of my control. I wish the goverment would realize that our status is not our fault. We are not criminals, if anything I volunteer to help the community each year. Now I can't even find a good job, go to college, be able to drive, or be able to see my family. I thought America was for freedom and opportunity, but I guess I was wrong. Before reading everyones comments, I thought I was the only one in this position, but it gives me comfort that someone else is going through the same problems as me. I hope someone listens to all of us. God Bless.
jessica (not verified)
Tue, 12/21/2004 - 13:39
i also would like to know where this DREAM ACT stands as of now. i didnt even know about it untill earlier today as i was checking the status of my case for my green card. i began searching the web and came upon this dream act page as i read what it was and what it could do for me it was like a breath of fresh air. But it sucks that its not even passed yet. I too was brought to the us when i was only 11 months old I've attended school in the us all K-12 and now im stuck with no way of getting a job, i cant even get a drivers license, i cant apply for financil aid, its so frustrating to have all these dreams and goals for ureself and not be able to do a damb thing about them. I also thought i was the only one going through this but after reading all the comments on here i was like Whoaw theres so many other people going through the exact same thing. so if anyone anyone has any recent updated on this dream act pleasssssse fill us all in on it it would really be appreciated. GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF U IN THIS DILLEMA AND KEEP URE HEADS UP DONT LOSE FAITH THAT ONE DAY HOPEFULLY SOON WE WILL ALSO HAVE ALL THE OPPORTUNITES THAT AMERICA HAS TO OFFER US
Anabell (not verified)
Thu, 11/04/2004 - 12:09
The DREAM ACT is a phenominal plan giving us a similar opportunity as the rest of America is't the best thing I have heard in my 15 yrs of living in the U.S. Know is it going to be pushed enough to to work for us? I as an undocumetted junior in high school I dream of one day being able to have a successful carreer just like the rest of the AMERICAN society. Now what I ask for is not any money not, any government help but just the same opportunity as my fellow classmates to succeed in life and make America a more better place not just for us but for the up coming generations. Being an undocumented student is a strendious position we have to work not just as hard but two or three times as hard to overcome all of the obstacles put in our way, such as legal documents to advance in further education and financiel satus. Just give us the chance and give a bit of consideration and watch America develope in success like never before.
Chris (not verified)
Wed, 11/03/2004 - 23:29
check it out
Lets all hope the DREAM Act gets enacted.
Jeff Nikulin (not verified)
Fri, 10/29/2004 - 04:44
Up until today, I thought i was one of the few people facing this problem on my own. Until i found this website, and realized I need this dream act to pass just as much as you guys do.
I am in a very similar position. Throught high school i was starting to worry about what i am going to do when i apply for college. What documents i am going to show. I moved to america over 10 years ago from Urope on a visa that now expired. The process of getting the green card was very long, until we got denied and deported. Ofcourse, we didnt leave because we built our life here in america. Like many students i was very bright with a 3.5 gpa, and all honors classes. I received many letters from universitys that i knew i could never afford. Somehow i lied on the application and got into a community college, but its only a matter of time before they ask to see the papers. I qualified for many schoolastic scholerships but could not use them. I have been living if Florida for 8 years now, but i am still paying out of state tuition. I work my ass off on two jobs just so i can go to school. I got my job 2 years ago when i still had a valid employment autorization card, now its expired and hopefully they never look back through the application. My licence is going to expire this summer. Slowly, i am getting cut off from my life. I cant look for another job, cant apply to a university, and cant get my license renewed. I have not even visited my home country since i left, because they will not let you back into US. I have tried everything i can to get papers, i even wrote letters to President Bush, but never received a reply. Like everyone, i am waiting for the dream act to get passed so i can get on with my life. I constantly search "Dream Act" on yahoo for any new information but its always outdated. Someone please fill me in on where the act stands now. I wish everyone the best of luck.
Marisol (not verified)
Thu, 09/23/2004 - 09:04
I dont understand how some of ya'll Amerecans can be so cold blooded about the whole Dream Act Deal. We are not here to take your money away we dont even gethelp all it is is that we are going to get the opportunity to go to school here thats it the government does not help us, we have to work for our education unlike some of ya who live off the government we work our asses to have the little things we have. we are not disturbing your education we are sinply tryying to make America more powerful. Why dont you guys try picking out fruits etc, it's a dity job, Can you handle it? After all America is supposed to be a Country of opportunity or not?
Marisol (not verified)
Thu, 09/23/2004 - 09:04
I dont understand how some of ya'll Amerecans can be so cold blooded about the whole Dream Act Deal. We are not here to take your money away we dont even gethelp all it is is that we are going to get the opportunity to go to school here thats it the government does not help us, we have to work for our education unlike some of ya who live off the government we work our asses to have the little things we have. we are not disturbing your education we are sinply tryying to make America more powerful. Why dont you guys try picking out fruits etc, it's a dity job, Can you handle it? After all America is supposed to be a Country of opportunity or not?
Marisol (not verified)
Thu, 09/23/2004 - 09:04
I dont understand how some of ya'll Amerecans can be so cold blooded about the whole Dream Act Deal. We are not here to take your money away we dont even gethelp all it is is that we are going to get the opportunity to go to school here thats it the government does not help us, we have to work for our education unlike some of ya who live off the government we work our asses to have the little things we have. we are not disturbing your education we are sinply tryying to make America more powerful. Why dont you guys try picking out fruits etc, it's a dity job, Can you handle it? After all America is supposed to be a Country of opportunity or not?
Marisol (not verified)
Thu, 09/23/2004 - 09:04
I dont understand how some of ya'll Amerecans can be so cold blooded about the whole Dream Act Deal. We are not here to take your money away we dont even gethelp all it is is that we are going to get the opportunity to go to school here thats it the government does not help us, we have to work for our education unlike some of ya who live off the government we work our asses to have the little things we have. we are not disturbing your education we are sinply tryying to make America more powerful. Why dont you guys try picking out fruits etc, it's a dity job, Can you handle it? After all America is supposed to be a Country of opportunity or not?
Marisol (not verified)
Thu, 09/23/2004 - 09:04
I dont understand how some of ya'll Amerecans can be so cold blooded about the whole Dream Act Deal. We are not here to take your money away we dont even gethelp all it is is that we are going to get the opportunity to go to school here thats it the government does not help us, we have to work for our education unlike some of ya who live off the government we work our asses to have the little things we have. we are not disturbing your education we are sinply tryying to make America more powerful. Why dont you guys try picking out fruits etc, it's a dity job, Can you handle it? After all America is supposed to be a Country of opportunity or not?
Marisol (not verified)
Thu, 09/23/2004 - 09:03
I dont understand how some of ya'll Amerecans can be so cold blooded about the whole Dream Act Deal. We are not here to take your money away we dont even gethelp all it is is that we are going to get the opportunity to go to school here thats it the government does not help us, we have to work for our education unlike some of ya who live off the government we work our asses to have the little things we have. we are not disturbing your education we are sinply tryying to make America more powerful. Why dont you guys try picking out fruits etc, it's a dity job, Can you handle it? After all America is supposed to be a Country of opportunity or not?
Marisol (not verified)
Thu, 09/23/2004 - 09:03
I dont understand how some of ya'll Amerecans can be so cold blooded about the whole Dream Act Deal. We are not here to take your money away we dont even gethelp all it is is that we are going to get the opportunity to go to school here thats it the government does not help us, we have to work for our education unlike some of ya who live off the government we work our asses to have the little things we have. we are not disturbing your education we are sinply tryying to make America more powerful. Why dont you guys try picking out fruits etc, it's a dity job, Can you handle it? After all America is supposed to be a Country of opportunity or not?
Marisol (not verified)
Thu, 09/23/2004 - 09:03
I dont understand how some of ya'll Amerecans can be so cold blooded about the whole Dream Act Deal. We are not here to take your money away we dont even gethelp all it is is that we are going to get the opportunity to go to school here thats it the government does not help us, we have to work for our education unlike some of ya who live off the government we work our asses to have the little things we have. we are not disturbing your education we are sinply tryying to make America more powerful. Why dont you guys try picking out fruits etc, it's a dity job, Can you handle it? After all America is supposed to be a Country of opportunity or not?
Marisol (not verified)
Thu, 09/23/2004 - 09:01
I dont understand how some of ya'll Amerecans can be so cold blooded about the whole Dream Act Deal. We are not here to take your money away we dont even gethelp all it is is that we are going to get the opportunity to go to school here thats it the government does not help us, we have to work for our education unlike some of ya who live off the government we work our asses to have the little things we have. we are not disturbing your education we are sinply tryying to make America more powerful. Why dont you guys try picking out fruits etc, it's a dity job, Can you handle it? After all America is supposed to be a Country of opportunity or not?
Marisol (not verified)
Thu, 09/23/2004 - 09:01
I dont understand how some of ya'll Amerecans can be so cold blooded about the whole Dream Act Deal. We are not here to take your money away we dont even gethelp all it is is that we are going to get the opportunity to go to school here thats it the government does not help us, we have to work for our education unlike some of ya who live off the government we work our asses to have the little things we have. we are not disturbing your education we are sinply tryying to make America more powerful. Why dont you guys try picking out fruits etc, it's a dity job, Can you handle it? After all America is supposed to be a Country of opportunity or not?
Mayra (not verified)
Tue, 09/21/2004 - 17:18
Mexican students, illegal aliens who want a better deal like is,posted up above came once to this country brought by their parents at a very young age, and continued school in the U.S.A and they finished their high school and yet they cannot continue school, but yes they were able to when they were smaller, Why do this? Why cant they just think in all the effort that this students have done to live better including me we are not here to live off the goverment, all we want is to have a career, a better life, a better future for our children, we do not get food stamps but we do pay taxes like every American citizen does, it is not our fault that our parents did not know what kind of problem we were going to face in the future, we struggle for a better living here, we do not want a better deal than what americans get, we just want what is fair if the goverment will support us by passing a law that would help us pay only what is fair for school, not try to gharge us large amounts of money for being an out-of-state student, we are not asking for money, we are going to work for that just like eveybody else, we just want a chance for what we deserve an making us go full time would not work for everyone, not all us can have our parents pay for school and not work.
Its Me (not verified)
Fri, 09/10/2004 - 14:42
I just wanted to say that the dream act should be passed for all illegal immigrants and im not asking for what Hatch and Durbin want im just asking for the dream act to come in place
Its me (not verified)
Fri, 09/10/2004 - 14:40
I just wanted to say that the dream act should be passed for all illegal immigrants and im not asking for what Hatch and Durbin want im just asking for the dream act to come in place
Its me (not verified)
Fri, 09/10/2004 - 14:40
I just wanted to say that the dream act should be passed for all illegal immigrants and im not asking for what Hatch and Durbin want im just asking for the dream act to come in place
Luis (not verified)
Sat, 09/04/2004 - 05:42
There is nothing so unfair but the future of a student brought down just because he or she wasn't old enough to decide about coming to the U.S. or not. Is it our fault, that we are here illegally? We were just kids when we came out here and we can't decide or do anything about that now! I am a 3.5 GPA student and I was even in last year's Honor Roll. I was thinking that by getting good grades, I could get an scholarship and financial aid. Now, the only thing that I really want is the chance of becoming an architect and finish my life here. I would like to be on my country of origin but I don't even know what I would do in there not knowing anybody. I am a high school senior this year and time is everything for me so PLEASE GIVE US THE RIGHT TO DREAM. NOW. THIS SAME YEAR.
hector (not verified)
Wed, 08/25/2004 - 19:36
I think that "illegal" immigrant students should get permanent residency. WHy?, because we deserve an equal opportunity as everyone else. I, myself, am an "illegal immigrant" that only has a V1 Visa so does my sister. My sister is a smart girl who got accepted into UC riverside but dropped out do to the fact that she didnt qualify for finacial aid and my mom couldnt pay for her education. You guys have no idea how many bright students you guys neglect, now she feels like quiting in life and in some instences, dieing. "illegal Immigrants" are no more different than citizens of the U.S. we Immigrants can compete at anyones level in anything you can think of. we are people just like yourself trying to make something of ourself and you guys just add to that list of obstacles.
hector (not verified)
Wed, 08/25/2004 - 19:35
I think that "illegal" immigrant students should get permanent residency. WHy?, because we deserve an equal opportunity as everyone else. I, myself, am an "illegal immigrant" that only has a V1 Visa so does my sister. My sister is a smart girl who got accepted into UC riverside but dropped out do to the fact that she didnt qualify for finacial aid and my mom couldnt pay for her education. You guys have no idea how many bright students you guys neglect, now she feels like quiting in life and in some instences, dieing. "illegal Immigrants" are no more different than citizens of the U.S. we Immigrants can compete at anyones level in anything you can think of. we are people just like yourself trying to make something of ourself and you guys just add to that list of obstacles.
hector (not verified)
Wed, 08/25/2004 - 19:34
I think that "illegal" immigrant students should get permanent residency. WHy?, because we deserve an equal opportunity as everyone else. I, myself, am an "illegal immigrant" that only has a V1 Visa so does my sister. My sister is a smart girl who got accepted into UC riverside but dropped out do to the fact that she didnt qualify for finacial aid and my mom couldnt pay for her education. You guys have no idea how many bright students you guys neglect, now she feels like quiting in life and in some instences, dieing. "illegal Immigrants" are no more different than citizens of the U.S. we Immigrants can compete at anyones level in anything you can think of. we are people just like yourself trying to make something of ourself and you guys just add to that list of obstacles.
Viviana (not verified)
Wed, 08/11/2004 - 09:51
"illigal" immigrants in this country work as hard as any other "U.S. citizen" does, most of the time even harder than they did in their homeland. The so called AMERICAN DREAM is what people are often looking for then they get here and do anything in their power to have a better life, which is in most cases never rewarded. It's nothing else but opportunities WE are looking for, but we gotta face reality, and the reality most of us have to live by evey day is not being able to succed in a FAIR way. I'm a senior in high school and i'm looking forward to a higher education, my parents brought me to this country 3 years and 4 months ago, my mom has been doing everything she can think of to give me the opportunity I deserve, my dad has been wanting to take us back to Venezuela because he's working all day and night, we came legal and our VISA and status expired, I have a 4 year old brother and a 11 year old sister, whats gonna happen with them, what about my parents, I would love to give them everything they deserve and I'm going to. So think about so many families, all of them with a different story, and we want the opportunities that many people who have the advantage of beign legal don't value. One more thing, we miss our countries, our cultures, families and friends more than ever, because no one has the right to judge, and in many cases treat "illigals" like delincuents.
Lauren (not verified)
Tue, 08/03/2004 - 05:48
I believe the dream act would be almost life saving, because it would save me. I came to america at 18 months from England. It has been a tough ride with unsettled immigration status. I am 19 now, and i try to live like everyone else but it is close to impossible. I have found work, and lied, but nothing that pays what i could get somewhere else. I graduated high school and now i go to college, but its not cheap. it is a junior college, but i worry about what will happen when i try to move on to a big school to get a degree. another thing, i cant even drive legally. i have started to just because i had no choice. i could not get to work or school. I need this act to pass, i dont know how long i could live like this. Please help
arsh (not verified)
Wed, 05/19/2004 - 15:24
First of all, illegal aliens are not going to get a
Maria Lozano (not verified)
Tue, 05/04/2004 - 11:21
I think that in some of the many cases the students that are here illegal is not their fault, because much of them are here because their parents brought them and their parents don't ask them abour if they want to come to this country. I THIN THAT THE DREAM ACT is a good help to all the students that here living most of his life or may be all his life and have to receive all this limist.
Abby (not verified)
Thu, 04/08/2004 - 18:46
I completely agree that this law is necessary. No one is rewarding illegal behavior! I am in that position too---I didn't choose to come to this country. My parents made that choice. I graduated from high school two years younger than all my classmates, was valedictorian and had PSAT and SAT scores in the top 5% of the nation. Not to mention the fact that I have several volunteer jobs, a gazallion extracurricular activities and quite a few talents. Why can't all of these things count more that the fact that 11 years ago my parents brought me on a VISA to this country that has since expired? Why can someone with C and Ds get complete financial aid for college but someone with straight 100s can't even get a loan? That just isn't fair.
Abby (not verified)
Thu, 04/08/2004 - 18:46
I completely agree that this law is necessary. No one is rewarding illegal behavior! I am in that position too---I didn't choose to come to this country. My parents made that choice. I graduated from high school two years younger than all my classmates, was valedictorian and had PSAT and SAT scores in the top 5% of the nation. Not to mention the fact that I have several volunteer jobs, a gazallion extracurricular activities and quite a few talents. Why can't all of these things count more that the fact that 11 years ago my parents brought me on a VISA to this country that has since expired? Why can someone with C and Ds get complete financial aid for college but someone with straight 100s can't even get a loan? That just isn't fair.
Brian (not verified)
Fri, 01/09/2004 - 19:46
The idea that the DREAM Act would reward "illegal behavior" is without substance. The guidelines of the DREAM Act call for students that meet a specific academic and personal criteria. These students were brought to the U.S. probably when elementary-aged, with their parents looking for a better future for them, for an American Dream. Not all of these "illegal" immigrants entered the country illegaly. Some families have been granted VISAS to come to the US, and have begun the process of becoming naturalized citizens (which is a long and tedious one). These young people have excelled in high school, and truly have a contribution to make to society. I personally have lived in the US for 14 years, my parents have paid VA taxes for that time, held employment, and waited for the process of becoming legal permanent residents. We are on the verge of recieving that status, but now I may not be able to go to college (im a high school senior now), get a drivers license, etc. I didnt know that my 3.6 GPA, 1180 SAT, and community service were classified as "illegal behavior".
Suki (not verified)
Tue, 12/02/2003 - 13:32
I Believe the Dream Act is a wonderful idea, as long as the laws crack down on the people entering illegally at the moment. The dream act is only benefiting those who have been brought up since childhood in this country, educated in this country, their parents have probably paid taxes in this country, buy the food from this country in, in other words help this countrys economy. Some of these childrens parents own busienesses here where they employ americans. They have been here many years some of the children didn't even know they where illegally here untill they came to get a drivers licenses or apply for college. Also the students that our eligible for this have to attend college so it is not as if the country would be legalizing a load of bums who have no motivation and will be on welfare for the rest of their lives.
antonio (not verified)
Mon, 11/10/2003 - 10:21
i just would like you to tell me what could be the problem of giving illigal students a chance to work leagally in the US af after graduation??
the people that we are talking about in this act are not criminals nor people that are asking the goverment for money. i find my self in this group and i attend a unuversity in PA, pay ALL OF MY OWN TUITION with non of "your" tax moneys help ...so what, what is the problem for me to get a job after graduation..
ps keep in mind i said no!! help from the goverment