"Rally backs green cards for immigrant students"

This article is yet another in the long line of stories about illegal aliens who want a better deal than even U.S. citizens get.

In the entire article, the word "illegal" only appears once, and it's in the only paragraph that makes any sense:

Steven Camarota, research director for the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, said he opposes the bill because granting permanent residency to undocumented immigrants would encourage more illegal immigration.

Email addresses: ward.bushee@arizonarepublic.com, randy.lovely@arizonarepublic.com, lindsey.collom@arizonarepublic.com, Daniel.Gonzalez@arizonarepublic.com

Here's an editorial about this from the Fresno Bee:

Fortunately, some federal lawmakers from both parties see a problem that must be fixed.

It would be more fortunate if they would solve this problem in a manner consistent with our current laws.

You can reach the editorial's author at jesparza@vidaenelvalle.com staff@fresnobee.com


Yeah, it'd grant citizenship to those students who have been here since the age of 13-14 months - those students who have been stranded here and unable to leave the country. It would give IN-STATE tuition to those students living in-state, a benifit already given to citizens. It's not giving them ANYTHING more. They are NOT getting a better deal, if anything an equal deal. Read the bill next time, please.
